1 | puellîs multîs rosâs datis. | You (pl) give roses to many girls. |
2 | multam pecûniam nôn amat. | He/she/it doesn´t like much money. |
3 | patriae fâmam conservâmus. | We preserve the reputation of the country. |
4 | puellîs multîs rosâs dô. | I give roses to many girls. |
5 | nautâs terrês. | You frighten the sailors. |
6 | patriam habetîs antîquam. | You (pl) have an ancient country. |
7 | puellîs magnâs rosâs damus. | We give large roses to the girls. |
8 | multam pecûniam nôn amâs. | You don´t like much money. |
9 | fâmam amâs. | You love a reputation. |
10 | puellîs multâs rosâs dant. | They give many roses to girls. |
11 | puellîs multîs rosâs dant. | They give roses to many girls. |
12 | patriam habêmus antîquam. | We have an ancient country. |
13 | multam pecûniam nôn amâmus. | We do not like much money. |
14 | patriae fâmam conservâtis. | You (pl) preserve the reputation of the country. |
15 | nautâs terret. | He/she/it frightens the sailors. |
16 | puellae rosâs datis. | You (pl) give roses to the girl. |
17 | antîquâs portâs meae patriae videt. | He/she/it sees the ancient gates of my country. |
18 | patriae fâmam conservat. | He/she/it preserves the reputation of the country. |
19 | nautâs terreô. | I frighten the sailors. |
20 | puellae rosam dô. | I give a rose to the girl. |
21 | puellîs rosâs damus. | We give roses to the girl. |
22 | portâs meae patriae vidêtis. | You (pl) see the gates of my country. |
23 | fâmam habês magnam. | You have a great reputation. |
24 | fâmam amat. | He/she/it loves a reputation. |
25 | tuîs puellîs multâs rosâs dô. | I give many roses to your girls. |
26 | multam pecûniam nôn amâtis. | You (pl) do not like much money. |
27 | puellîs multâs rosâs datis. | You (pl) give many roses to the girls. |
28 | patriam habet antîquam. | He/she/it has an ancient country. |
29 | patriae fâmam conservant. | They preserve the reputation of the country. |
30 | puellîs multîs rosâs das. | You give roses to many girls. |
31 | nautâs terrêmus. | We frighten the sailors. |
32 | patriam habent antîquam. | They have an ancient country. |
33 | patriae fâmam conservâs. | You preserve the reputation of the country. |
34 | puellârum tuârum magnam fâmam servant. | They protect the great reputation of your girls. |
35 | fâmam amâmus. | We love a reputation. |
36 | puellîs rosâs dant. | They give roses to the girls. |
37 | tuîs puellîs multâs rosâs das. | You give many roses to your girls. |
38 | fâmam habêmus magnam. | We have a great reputation. |
39 | multam pecûniam nôn amant. | They do not like much money. |
40 | puellîs rosâs das. | You give roses to the girls. |
41 | antîquâs portâs meae patriae vident. | They see the ancient gates of my country. |
42 | rosâs dô. | I give roses. |
43 | nautâs terrêtis. | You (pl) frighten the sailors. |
44 | fâmam amô. | I love a reputation. |
45 | patriae fâmam conservô. | I preserve the reputation of the country. |
46 | puellârum tuârum magnam fâmam servâs. | You protect the great reputation of your girls. |
47 | fâmam amâtis. | You (pl) love a reputation. |
48 | tuîs puellîs multâs rosâs dat. | He/she/it is giving many roses to your girls. |
49 | philosophiam antîquam laudô. | I praise ancient philosophy. |
50 | puellae rosam dant. | They are giving the girl a rose. |
51 | antîquâs portâs meae patriae vidêmus. | We see the ancient gates of my country. |
52 | rosâs das. | You give roses |
53 | nautâs terrent. | They frighten the sailors. |
54 | fâmam amant. | They love a reputation. |
55 | sine magnâ îrâ fâmam conservant. | They preserve the reputation without much anger. |
56 | tuîs puellîs multâs rosâs damus. | We give many roses to your girls. |
57 | puellârum tuârum magnam fâmam servâmus. | We protect the great reputation of your girls. |
58 | philosophiam antîquam laudâs. | You praise ancient philosophy. |
59 | sine îrâ fâmam conservâmus. | We must preserve fame without anger. |
60 | puellârum tuârum fâmam servâs. | You protect the reputation of your girls. |
61 | tuae patriae philosophiam antîquam laudant. | They praise the ancient philosophy of your country. |
62 | puellîs rosâs dô. | I give roses to the girls. |
63 | antîquâs portâs meae patriae vidêtis. | You (pl) see the ancient gates of my country. |
64 | rosâs dat. | He/she/it gives roses. |
65 | portâs meae patriae videô. | I see the gates of my country. |
66 | fâmam conservô. | I preserve the reputation. |
67 | tuîs puellîs multâs rosâs das. | You give many roses to your girls. |
68 | philosophiam antîquam laudat. | He/she/it praises ancient philosophy. |
69 | sine îrâ fâmam conservat. | He/she/it preserves the reputation without anger. |
70 | puellârum tuârum fâmam servô. | I protect the reputation of your girls. |
71 | tuae patriae philosophiam antîquam laudâs. | You praise the ancient philosophy of your country. |
72 | sine magnâ îrâ fâmam conservâtis. | You (pl) preserve the reputation without great anger. |
73 | puellârum tuârum magnam fâmam servat. | I protect the great reputation of your girls. |
74 | sine îrâ fâmam conservâtis. | You (pl) preserve the reputation without anger. |
75 | puellârum tuârum fâmam servat. | He/she/it protects the reputation of your girls. |
76 | fâmam conservâs. | You preserve the reputation. |
77 | rosâs damus. | We give roses. |
78 | tuîs puellîs multâs rosâs dant. | They give many roses to your girls. |
79 | portâs meae patriae vidês. | You see the gates of my country. |
80 | philosophiam antîquam laudâmus. | We praise ancient philosophy. |
81 | sine îrâ fâmam conservâs. | You preserve the reputation without anger. |
82 | puellîs rosâs datis. | You (pl) give roses to the girls. |
83 | fâmam patriae antîquae laudant. | They praise the reputation of the ancient country. |
84 | fâmam habet magnam. | He/she/it has a great reputation. |
85 | tuae patriae philosophiam antîquam laudâmus. | We praise the ancient philosophy of your country. |
86 | sine magnâ îrâ fâmam conservâmus. | We preserve the reputation without great anger. |
87 | puellae rosam damus. | We give a rose to the girl. |
88 | puellârum tuârum magnam fâmam servâs. | You protect the great reputation of your girls. |
89 | antîquâs portâs meae patriae vidês. | You see the ancient gates of my country. |
90 | sine îrâ fâmam conservant. | They preserve the reputation without anger. |
91 | puellârum tuârum fâmam servâmus. | We protect the reputation of your girls. |
92 | puellîs multîs rosâs dat. | He/she/it gives roses to many girls. |
93 | multam pecûniam nôn amô. | I do not like much money. |
94 | fâmam conservat. | He/she/it preserves the reputation. |
95 | fâmam patriae antîquae laudô. | I praise the reputation of the ancient country. |
96 | philosophiam antîquam laudâtis. | You (pl) praise ancient philosophy. |
97 | sine îrâ fâmam conservô. | I preserve the reputation without anger. |
98 | puellîs multâs rosâs dô. | I give many roses to the girls. |
99 | fâmam patriae antîquae laudâtis. | You (pl) praise the reputation of the ancient country. |
100 | fâmam habetîs magnam. | You (pl) have a great reputation. |
101 | tuae patriae philosophiam antîquam laudat. | He/she/it praises ancient philosophy of your country. |
102 | rosâs datis. | You (pl) give roses. |
103 | portâs meae patriae videt. | He/she/it sees the gates of my country. |
104 | puellae rosam dat. | He/she/it gives a rose to the girl. |
105 | antîquâs portâs meae patriae videô. | I see the ancient gates of my country. |
106 | sine magnâ îrâ fâmam conservat. | He/she/it preserves the reputation without much anger. |
107 | puellârum tuârum magnam fâmam servô. | I protect the great reputation of your girls. |
108 | sine magnâ îrâ fâmam conservô. | I preserve the reputation without great anger. |
109 | puellârum tuârum fâmam servâs. | You protect the reputation of your girls. |
110 | fâmam conservâmus. | We preserve the reputation. |
111 | fâmam patriae antîquae laudâs. | You praise the reputation of the ancient country. |
112 | philosophiam antîquam laudant. | They praise ancient philosophy. |
113 | fâmam conservant. | The preserve the reputation. |
114 | fâmam patriae antîquae laudâmus. | We praise the reputation of the ancient country. |
115 | tuae patriae philosophiam antîquam laudâs. | You praise the ancient philosophy of your country. |
116 | rosâs dant. | They give roses. |
117 | portâs meae patriae vidêmus. | We see the gates of my country. |
118 | puellae rosam das. | You give a rose to the girl. |
119 | portâs meae patriae vident. | They see the gates of my country. |
120 | puellîs rosâs dat. | He/she/it gives roses to the girls. |
121 | fâmam habeô magnam. | I have a great reputation. |
122 | sine magnâ îrâ fâmam conservâs. | You preserve the reputation without great anger. |
123 | puellârum tuârum fâmam servant. | They protect the reputation of your girls. |
124 | fâmam conservâtis. | You (pl) preserve the reputation. |
125 | fâmam patriae antîquae laudat. | He/she/it praises the reputation of the ancient country. |
126 | tuae patriae philosophiam antîquam laudô. | I praise the ancient philosophy of your country. |
127 | puellîs multâs rosâs dat. | He/she/it gives many roses to the girls. |
128 | patriam habeô antîquam. | I have an ancient country. |
129 | puellîs multâs rosâs das. | You give many roses to the girls. |
130 | fâmam habent magnam. | They have a great reputation. |
131 | puellîs multâs rosâs damus. | We give many roses to the girls. |
132 | patriam habês antîquam. | You have an ancient country. |
English to Latin
1 | I am giving roses. | rosâs dô. |
2 | She is giving a rose. | rosam dat. |
3 | They are giving the girls roses. | puellîs rosâs dant. |
4 | Large roses (as subject) | magnae rosae |
5 | Large roses (as object) | magnâs rosâs |
6 | I am giving large roses. | magnâs rosâs dô. |
7 | The girls are giving nothing. | nihil puellae dant. |
8 | The girls are giving large roses to the sailors. | magnâs rosâs nautîs puellae dant. |
9 | The sailors are giving the girls large roses. | nautae magnâs rosâs puellîs dant. |
10 | You are terrifying the sailors. | nautâs terrês. |
11 | The sailors are terrifying the girls. | nautae puellâs terrent. |
12 | The girl does not like the sailor. | nautam puella nôn amat. |
13 | You should not love reputation. | fâmam nôn amâre dêbês. |
14 | We love money. | pecûniam amâmus. |
15 | We praise Roman philosophy. | Rômânam philosophiam laudâmus. |
16 | Gates (as object) | Portâs |
17 | To / for the large gates. | magnîs portîs. |
18 | What does he love? | Quid amat? |
19 | The sailors see me. | mê vident nautae. |
20 | Opinion (as subject) | sententia |
21 | Opinion (as object) | sententiam |
22 | The girl´s opinion (as object) | sententiam puellae |
23 | You are thinking over the opinion. | sententiam côgitâs. |
24 | You are thinking over the girl´s opinion. | sententiam puellae côgitâs. |
25 | You are thinking over the girls´ opinion. | sententiam puellae côgitâs. |
26 | Fortune gives the sailors much money. | nautîs pecûniam multam fortûna dat. |
27 | Life gives the girls many opinions. | puellîs multâs sententiâs vîta dat. |
28 | Fortune gives the homeland nothing. | patriae nihil fortûna dat. |
29 | Often the opinions of the sailors miss the mark ( = err). | saepe sententiae nautârum errant. |
30 | The sailor´s philosophy warns the country. | patriam philosophia nautae monet. |
31 | My philosophy is ancient. | Antîqua philosophia mea est. |
32 | I am well. | Valeô. |
33 | They are well. | Valent. |
34 | The sailors are preserving the gates. | Portâs nautae servant. |
35 | Many sailors are preserving the large gates. | magnâs portâs multî nautae servant. |
36 | Your anger is great. | îra tua magna est. |
37 | The roses are for the girls. | Puellîs rosae sunt. |
38 | Good Fortune is not life. | bona fortûna vita nôn est. |
39 | Without the sailors | sine nautîs |
40 | Without philosophy life is not well. | sine philosophiâ vita nôn valet. |
41 | The life of my country is not well. | vita patriae meae nôn valet. |
42 | What should you think over? | Quid côgitâre dêbês? |
43 | But what warns me? | Sed quid mê monet? |
44 | Punishment and wrath terrify me. | mê poenaque îra terrent. |
45 | The opinions of the fatherland ought to warn us. | patriae sententiae nôs monêre dêbent. |
46 | What is the penalty of anger? | Quid îrae poena est? |
47 | Nothing terrifies the sailors. | nautâs nihil terret. |
48 | The sailors praise your fortune. | tuam fortûnam nautae laudant. |
49 | You (pl.) do not have a reputation. | fâmam nôn habêtis. |
50 | Nothing is well if you are not well. | nihil salvet si nôn salves. |
51 | Your beauty (as subject) | tûa forma |
52 | Your beauty (as object) | tuam fôrmam |
53 | Nothing has your beauty. | tuam fôrmam nihil habet. |
54 | The girls love their ancient country. | antîquam patriam puellae amant. |
55 | We see the large gates. | magnâs portâs vidêmus. |
56 | The life of a rose (as subject) | Vita rosae |
57 | The reputation of the country (as object) | fâmam patriae |
58 | Your opinion is mistaken. | sententia tûa errat. |
59 | The girls warn the sailors. | nautâs puellae monent. |
60 | What do you advise? | Quid monês? |
61 | Without much money, you (pl.) ought not make a mistake. | Sine multâ pecuniâ errâre nôn dêbêtis. |
62 | Without form, you have nothing. | Sine formâ nihil habês. |
63 | We praise the anger of the sailors. | îram nautârum laudâmus. |
64 | Without gates | sine portîs |
65 | Without shape | sine formâ |
66 | We do not see the shapes. | formâs nôn vidêmus. |
67 | We ought to keep the opinions of philosophy. | sententiâs philosophiae servâre dêbêmus. |
68 | Philosophy does not praise fortune´s reputation. | fâmam fortûnae philosophia nôn laudât. |
69 | They ought to praise girls and roses and glory. | gloriam et rosâs et puellâs laudâre dêbent. |
70 | They ought to give money often. | saepe pecûniam dare dêbent. |
71 | The penalties of a reputation are great. | magnae poenae fâmae sunt. |
72 | They are not well without a homeland. | sine patriâ nôn valent. |
73 | Give the sailors money! | nautîs pecûniam da! |
74 | Warn (pl.) the country! | patriam monête! |