1 | vidêmus | We see |
2 | vident | They see |
3 | vocant | They call |
4 | vocâs | You call |
5 | laudat | He/she/it praises |
6 | laudâtis | You (pl.) praise |
7 | damus | We give |
8 | dô | I give |
9 | amat | He/she/it loves |
10 | amant | They love |
11 | amâmus | We love |
12 | errat | He/she/it errs |
13 | errâmus | We err |
14 | valêmus | We are healthy / We are doing well / We are well |
15 | valêtis | You (pl.) are well |
16 | valent | They are well |
17 | nôn valês | You are not well |
18 | habeô | I have |
19 | habês | You have |
20 | habêmus | We have |
21 | videt | He/she/it sees |
22 | vidêtis | You (pl.) see |
23 | vidêmus | We see |
24 | dant | They give |
25 | datis | You (pl.) give |
26 | dat | He/she/it gives |
27 | dêbent | They owe / ought |
28 | dêbêtis | You (pl.) owe / ought |
29 | dêbeô côgitâre | I ought to think |
30 | dêbeô vidêre | I ought to see |
31 | dêbet vidêre | He/she/it ought to see |
32 | dêbêmus vidêre | We ought to see |
33 | dêbent habêre | They ought to have |
34 | monês | You warn |
35 | monent | They warn |
36 | terrêmus | We frighten |
37 | terret | He/she/it frightens |
38 | habet | He/she/it has |
39 | satiat | He/she/it satisfies |
40 | satiâmus | We satisfy |
41 | laudâ | Praise! |
42 | monê | Warn! / Advise! / Remind! |
43 | terrê | Frighten! |
44 | date | Give (pl.)! |
45 | conservâte | Preserve (pl.)! |
46 | Côgitâte | Think (pl.)! |
47 | Côgitâre dêbent | They ought to think |
48 | Monêre mê dêbês | You ought to warn me |
49 | Fîlium vidêmus. | We see the son. |
50 | Fîlium nautae. | Son of the sailor (o) |
51 | In agrô | In the field |
52 | In agrîs | In the fields |
53 | Nautam vident. | They see the sailor |
54 | Nautae vident. | The sailors see |
55 | Nauta videt. | The sailor sees |
56 | Nauta avârus | The greedy sailor |
57 | Agricola avârus | The greedy farmer |
58 | Agricola magnus | The great farmer |
59 | Nautae multî saepe errant. | Many sailors frequently make mistakes. |
60 | Sententiae nautae amîcî valent. | The opinions of the friend of the sailor are sound. |
61 | Paucî nautae et paucî agricolae philosophiam amant. | Few sailors and few farmers like philosophy. |
62 | Sine nautâ | Without the sailor |
63 | Sine nautâ et agricolâ | Without the sailor and farmer |
64 | Sine nautîs et agricolîs | Without the sailors and farmers |
65 | Sine nautîs et agricolîs Rômânîs | Without the Roman sailors and farmers |
66 | Sine multîs nautîs et multîs agricolîs Rômânîs patriam nôn conservâmus. | Without the many Roman sailors and many Roman farmers, we do not keep [our] country safe. |
67 | Portam conservant. | They are keeping the gate safe. |
68 | Portâs patriae nôn conservâtis. | You (pl.) are not keeping the gates of the country safe. |
69 | Portâs patriae nôn conservant sine multîs agricolîs et multîs nautîs Rômânîs. | They are not the gates of the country safe without many farmers and many Roman sailors. |
70 | Ager nautae | The sailor´s field (o) |
71 | In agrô nautae | In the sailor´s field |
72 | In nautae agrô | In the sailor´s field |
73 | In nautae avârî agrô | In the greedy sailor´s field |
74 | Fîlius nautae dat nihil. | The sailor´s son gives nothing. |
75 | Puerî vocant. | The boys are calling. |
76 | Puellâs vocant. | They call the boys. |
77 | Puer puellam vocat. | The boy is calling the girl. |
78 | Hodiê puellâs vocâmus. | We are calling the girls today. |
79 | Sapientia puellae | The wisdom of the girl / The girl´s wisdom |
80 | Sapientia puellârum | The wisdom of the girls / The girls´ wisdom |
81 | Sapientiam laudat. | He/she/it praises wisdom. |
82 | Sapientiam laudat puer. | The boy praises wisdom. |
83 | Semper laudat puer sapientiam puellârum. | The boy always praises the girls´ wisdom. |
84 | Semper laudant puellae philosophiam puerôrum. | The girls always praise the boys´ philosophy. |
85 | Paucî avâri habent multam sapientiam. | Few greedy men have much wisdom. |
86 | Puer puellam laudat. | The boy praises the girl. |
87 | Puellam puer laudat. | The boy praises the girl. |
88 | Vir agricolam laudat. | The man praises the farmer. |
89 | Philosophiam laudat vir. | The man praises philosophy. |
90 | Philosophiam Rômânam semper laudô. | I always praise Roman philosophy. / I am always praising Roman philosophy. |
91 | Paucî populôs avârôs amant. | Few persons like greedy peoples. |
92 | Paucî virî et fêminae tuam patriam vident. | Few men and women see your country. |
93 | Poenâs dat. | He/she/it pays the penalty. / He/she/it is punished. |
94 | Poenâs dant. | They are paying the penalty. |
95 | Poenâs damus | We are paying the penalty. |
96 | Poenâs îrae damus. | We are paying the penalty for (our) anger. / We are being punished for (our) anger. |
97 | Rômânus populus sapientiam amat. | The Roman people love wisdom. |
98 | Paucî avârî amîcôs multôs habent. | Few greedy men have many friends. |
99 | Fîlia magnae fortûnae est. | She is a daughter of great fortune. |
100 | Sî habês amîcâs, fortûna tê amat. | If you have friends, fortune loves you. |
101 | Semper populô multam pecûniam dant. | They always give much [= " a great deal of"; "a lot of"] money to the people. |
102 | Virum magnum amat fortûna. | Fortune loves a great man. |
103 | Fîlium nautae videô. | I see the son of the sailor. |
104 | In agrô fîlium nautae videô. | In the field, I see the son of the sailor. |
105 | In numerô meôrum amîcôrum est. | He is in the number [= rank / circle] of my friends. |
106 | Nautam habeo in numerô amîcorum meôrum. | I have a sailor in the number of my friends. / I have a sailor in my circle of friends. |
107 | Et tû, Marce! | You too, Marcus! / Even you, Marcus! |
108 | Et tû, fîlî mî! | And you, my son! |
109 | Est hodiê magnus numerus Rômânôrum in agrîs. | Today there is a great number of Romans in the fields. |
110 | Ô magna fêmina, da puerô pecûniam tuam. | O great lady, give your money to the boy! |
111 | In patriâ | In [my] country |
112 | In patriâ est multa îra. | In [my] country there is much [a lot of / a great deal of / a good amount of] anger. |
113 | In Rômânâ patriâ habêmus multôs populôs. | We have many peoples in the Roman homeland. |
114 | Dê îrâ | About anger |
115 | Dê îrâ agricolârum | About the anger of the farmers |
116 | Dê îrâ virôrum Rômânôrum | About the anger of the Roman men |
117 | Dê sapientiâ | About wisdom |
118 | Dê puerô | About a boy |
119 | Dê numerîs | About numbers |
120 | Dê Rômânîs | About the Romans |
121 | Dê Rômânâ sapientiâ | About Roman wisdom |
122 | In agrô avârî | In the greedy man´s field |
123 | Fîlium videt Jûlia. | Julia sees her son. |
124 | Fîlium nautae videt Jûlia. | Julia sees the sailor´s son. |
125 | In agrô avârî fîlium nautae videt Jûlia. | Julie sees the sailor´s son in the greedy man´s field. |
126 | Avârô virô | To/for the greedy man |
127 | Avârô virô da pecûniam tuam. | Give your money to the greedy man. |
128 | Fîliô dant pecûniam nautae. | The sailors give money to the son. |
129 | Fîliô tûô dant pecûniam multam nautae. | Many sailors are giving money to your son. |
130 | Fîliîs tuîs da sapientiam! | Give wisdom to your sons! ["To your daughters" would usually be fîliâbus.] |
131 | Jûlia est amîca Rômeî. | Julia is a friend of Romeus. |
132 | Rômeus est amîcus Jûliae. | Romeus is a friend of Julia. |
133 | Rômeus Jûliam amat hodiê et semper. | Romeus loves Julia today and always. |
134 | Magnus numerus puerôrum | A great number of boys |
135 | Fîliae agricolae avârî conservant pecûniam. | The daughters of the greedy farmer are keeping [their] money safe. |
136 | In vîtâ virî est multa fortûna. | In a man´s life, there is a great deal of luck. |
137 | In vîtâ paucôrum | In life of few men |
138 | In paucôrum vîtâ | In life of few men |
139 | In tuâ vîtâ nôn est hodiê multa pecûnia. | In your life, there is not much money today. |
140 | Numerôs nôn amat puer. | The boy does not love numbers. |
141 | nôn amant agricolâs nautae Rômânî. | Roman sailors do not care for [= do not like] farmers. |
142 | In Rômânâ patriâ agricolae conservant agrôs. | In the Roman homeland, the farmers are maintaining the fields. |
143 | In agrô est nihil hodiê. | There is nothing in the field today. |
144 | Fêminae dat pecûniam agricola avârus. | The greedy sailor gives money to the woman. |
145 | Sine virîs nôn valet patria mea. | Without men, my homeland is not doing well. |
146 | Agricolae patriae | Of the farmer´s country / The farmer´s countries |
147 | Quid laudant agricolae patriae? | What do the country´s farmers praise? |
148 | Fêminâs vocant agricolae in agrîs. | The farmers in the fields are calling the women. |
149 | In agrîs dant poenâs nautae. | In the fields, the sailors are paying the penalty. |
150 | Sine sapientiâ nôn valet vîta. | Without wisdom, life does not go well. |
151 | Nôn valet patriae vîta sine sapientiâ. | The country´s life does not go well in the absence of wisdom. |
152 | Numerus populôrum in agrîs semper est magnus. | The number of peoples in the fields is always large. |
153 | Agricolae nôn sunt paucî. | The farmers are not few (in number). |
154 | Agricola puellam laudat. | The farmer praises the girl. |
155 | Puellam agricolae laudant. | The farmers praise the girl. / They are praising the farmer´s girl. |
156 | Agricolae puellâs laudant. | The farmers praise the girls. |
157 | Fâma puellae | The reputation of the girl |
158 | Fâma puellârum | The reputation of the girls |
159 | Fâmam puellârum laudat. | He praises the girls´reputation. |
160 | Fâmam puellârum laudat agricola. | The farmer praises the reputation of the girls. |
161 | Agricolae fâmam puellae laudant. | The farmers praise the reputation of the girl. / The girls are praising the farmer´s reputation. |
162 | Laudant agricolae fâmam puellae. | The farmers praise the reputation of the girl. / The girls are praising the farmer´s reputation. |
163 | Laudant agricolae fâmam puellârum. | The farmers praise the reputation of the girls. |
164 | Paucî agricolae fâmam puellârum laudant. | Few farmers praise the reputation of the girls. |
165 | Fôrma puellae | Appearance of the girl |
166 | Multî agricolae fôrmam puellârum laudant. | Many farmers praise the girls´ appearance / looks. |
167 | Avârus agricola pecûniam amat. | The greedy farmer loves money. |
168 | Avârus agricola paucôs amîcos habet. | The greedy farmer has few friends. |
169 | Fîlia avârî agricolae | The daughter of the greedy farmer |
170 | Agricolae fîlia est. | She is the daughter of the farmer. |
171 | Avârî agricolae magnâs poenâs dant. | Greedy farmers pay severe [lit: large, great] penalties. |
172 | Puer est fîlius nautae. | The boy is the son of the sailor. |
173 | Puella est agricolae fîlia. | The girl is the farmer´s daughter. |
174 | Puella nôn est amîca virô. | The girl is not friendly to the man. |
175 | Amîcus agricolae | Friend of the farmer |
176 | Vir est amîcus agricolae. | The man is a friend of the farmer. / The man is friendly to the farmer. |
177 | Puellae dat rosâs. | He/she is giving roses to the girls. |
178 | Puellae dat rosâs amîcus agricolae. | The farmer´s friend gives roses to the girls. |
179 | Agricolae amîcus multâs rosâs puellae dat. | The farmer´s friend gives many roses to the girls. |
180 | Saepe agricolae amîcus multâs rosâs puellae dat. | The farmer´s friend often gives many roses to the girls. |
181 | Puella virô nôn amîca est. | The girl is not friendly to the man. |
182 | Puella agricolam in agrô videt. | The girl sees the farmer in the field. |
183 | Puella et puer agricolam in agrô vident. | The girl and boy see the farmer in the field. |
184 | Fîlia agricolae nôn servat rosâs amîcî agricolae. | The daughter is not keeping the roses of the farmer´s friend. |
185 | Saepe agricolae amîcus multâs rosâs puellae dat, sed puella nôn amîca est amîcô agricolae. | The farmer´s friend often gives many roses to the girls, but the girls is not friendly to the farmer´s friend. |
186 | Nôn servat rosâs fîlia agricolae. | The farmer´s daughter does not keep the roses. |
187 | Numerus amîcôrum | A number of friends |
188 | Numerus magnus est. | The number is large. |
189 | Numerus amîcôrum magnus est. | The number of friends is large. |
190 | Magnum numerum amîcôrum habent nautae in patriâ. | Sailors have a large number of friends in [their] country. |
191 | Numerus amîcôrum fîliae magnus est. | The number of the daughter´s friends is large. |
192 | Amîcus agricolae nôn in numerô amîcôrum est. | The farmer´s friend is not among the number of friends. |
193 | Amîcus agricolae nôn in numerô amîcôrum fîliae est. | The friend of the farmer is not in the circle of the daughter´s friends. |
194 | Îra nautae magna est. | The anger of the sailor is intense [lit: great]. |
195 | Nôn amat agricolam. | He does not like the farmer. |
196 | Nôn amat agricolam nauta. | The sailor does not like the farmer. |
197 | Agricola agrôs amat. | The farmer loves fields. |
198 | Nauta agrôs nôn amat. | The sailor does not like fields. |
199 | Fortûna nautae saepe nôn valet. | The sailor´s luck is often not good. |
200 | Fortûna vîtae nautârum saepe nôn valet. | The luck of the life of sailors often is not good. |
201 | Et nôn valet semper fortûna vîtae agricolârum. | And the luck of the life of farmers is not always good. |
202 | Nôn amat nauta sententiâs agricolae. | The sailor does not like the farmer´s opinion. |
203 | Fâmam agricolae nôn amat nauta. | The sailor does not like the farmer´s reputation. |
204 | Agricola nautam nôn amat. | The farmer does not like the sailor. |
205 | Nauta patriam nôn habet. | The sailor does not have a homeland. |
206 | Nauta multam pecûniam nôn habet. | The sailor does not have much money. |
207 | Nautae multam pecûniam saepe nôn habent. | Sailors often do not have much money. |
208 | Agricola Rômânam patriam habet. | The farmer has a Roman homeland. |
209 | Amîcî multam pecûniam habet. | He/she has a lot of his/her friend´s money. |
210 | Amîcî agricolae multam pecûniam habet. | He/she has a lot of the farmer´s friend´s money. |
211 | Sed agricola multam pecûniam nôn habet. | But the farmer does not have much money. |
212 | Pecûniam conservat. | He keeps [his] money. |
213 | Est nautae fîlius. | He is the son of the sailor. |
214 | Fîlius nautae nôn avârus est. | The sailor´s son is not greedy. |
215 | Est vir sine magnâ fâmâ. | The man is without a great reputation. |
216 | Sine multâ pecûniâ | Without much money |
217 | Fîlius valet sine multâ pecûniâ. | The son is doing well without much money. |
218 | Fîlius valet et sine multâ pecûniâ. | The son is doing well, even without much money. |
219 | Valet fîlius et sine pecûniâ. | The son is doing well even without money. |
220 | Fîlius vîtam amat. | The son loves life. |
221 | Est vir sine îrâ. | He is a man without anger. |
222 | Fîlius nautae fîliam agricolae amat. | The sailor´s son loves the farmer´s daughter. |
223 | Fîlius nautae, Rômeus, fîliam agricolam, Jûliam, amat. | The sailor´s son Romeus loves Julia, the farmer´s daughter. |
224 | Dê Jûliâ semper côgitat. | He always thinks about Julia. |
225 | Dê Jûliâ semper côgitat fîlius nautae. | The sailor´s son always thinks about Julia. |
226 | Dê puellâ semper côgitat puer. | The boy is always thinking about the girl. |
227 | Dê Rômeô semper Jûlia côgitat. | Julia is always thinking about Romeus. |
228 | Fîlius puellae multâs rosâs saepe dat. | The son often gives many roses to the girl. |
229 | Nôn sine îrâ agricola nautae fîlium videt. | Not without anger [ = with some anger] does the farmer see the sailor´s son. |
230 | Îra agricolae magna est. | The farmer´s anger is deep [lit: great]. |
231 | Monet agricola fîlium nautae. | The farmer warns the sailor´s son. |
232 | Nôn sine îrâ agricola fîlium nautae monet. | Not without anger [ = with some anger] does the farmer warn the sailor´s son. |
233 | Monet agricola fîlium natuae, et monet fîliam. | The farmer warns the sailor´s son and he warns his daughter. |
234 | "Meam fîliam nôn dêbês vidêre, puer!" | "You should not see my daughter, boy!" |
235 | "Meus amîcus dêbet meam fîliam vidêre." | "My friend should see my daughter." |
236 | "Sî meam fîliam vidês, das poenâs." | "If you see my daughter, you pay the penalty." |
237 | Sed fîlia agricolae fîlium nautae amat. | But the farmer´s daughter loves the sailor´s son. |
238 | "Vidê mê! Tê amô. Nôn dêbet mê terrêre." | "Look at me! I love you. He ought not frighten me." |
239 | Nôn habet multam sapientiam agricola. | The farmer does not have a great deal of wisdom. |
240 | Terret fîliam et fîlium nautae. | He frightens the son and sailor´s daughter. |
241 | Nôn dêbet terrêre puellam et puerum. | He ought not frighten the girl and boy. |
242 | Errat in îrâ. | He makes a mistake in his anger. |
243 | Sed agricola poenâs dat. | But the farmer pays the penalty. |
244 | Agricola nautae poenâs dat. | The farmer pays the penalty to the sailor. |
245 | Nautae poenâs dat agricola. | The farmer pays the penalty to the sailor. |
246 | Multam pecûniam nautae dat. | He gives a substantial sum [ = a lot of / much / a great deal of ] of money to the sailor. |
247 | Et puellae rosâs fîliî nautae servat. | And he saves the sailor´s son´s roses for the girl. |
248 | Est amîca fîliô nautae. | She is friendly to the sailor´s son. |
249 | Fîliô nautae amîca est agricolae fîlia. | The farmer´s daughter is friendly to the sailor´s son. |
250 | Valent fîlius nautae et fîlia agricolae. | The farmer´s daughter and the sailor´s son prevail. |
251 | Nôn habent multam pecûniam. | They do not have much money. |
252 | Hodiê puellam fîlius nautae videt. | Today the sailor´s son sees the girl. |
253 | Agricolae fîliam vocat fîlius nautae. | The sailor´s son calls the farmer´s daughter. |
254 | Populus patriam amat. | The people love [their] homeland. |
255 | Populus puerum et puellam laudat. | The people praise the boy and girl. |
256 | Fortûna meae patriae magna est. | My homeland´s fortune is great. |
257 | Tua fortûna nôn est magna. | Your fortune is not great. |
258 | Agrôs multôs habet patria mea, et multâs rosâs. | My homeland has many fields and many roses. |
259 | Dê patriâ tuâ | About your homeland |
260 | Dê patriâ tuâ côgitant. | They think about your homeland. |
261 | Semper dê patriâ tuâ côgitant. | They always think about your homeland. |
262 | Semper côgitant dê patriâ tuâ. | They always think about your homeland. |
263 | Multî semper côgitant dê patriâ tuâ. | Many people are always thinking about your homeland. |
264 | Est antîqua. | It is old. |
265 | Magnam fâmam semper habet tua patria antîqua. | Your ancient homeland always has a great reputation. |
266 | Populum antîquum habet tua patria. | Your homeland has an ancient people. |
267 | Numerus virôrum in tuâ patriâ magnus est. | The number of men in your homeland is large. |
268 | Multôs virôs videô in tuâ patriâ. | I see many men in your homeland. |
269 | Philosophia sapientia est. | Philosophy is wisdom. |
270 | Monet. | He warns. |
271 | Philosophia monet. | Philosophy warns. |
272 | Monet philosophia. | Philosophy warns. |
273 | Populum monet philosophia. | Philosophy warns the people. |
274 | Populus sapientiam conservâre dêbet. | The people ought to preserve wisdom. |
275 | Puerôs et puellâs monet philosophia. | Philosophy warns girls and boys. |
276 | Multôs Rômânôs puerôs et puellâs monet sapientia antîqua Rômâna. | Ancient Roman wisdom warns many Roman boys and girls. |
277 | Paucî antîquam philosophiam servant hodiê. | Few men today preserve ancient philosophy. |
278 | Multî errant. Sunt avârî hodiê. | Many are making mistakes. There are greedy people today. |
279 | Nôn conservant antîquam patriam. | They do not maintain [their] ancient homeland. |
280 | Nôn valet patria Rômâna. | The Roman homeland is not doing well. |
281 | Sî sapientiam antîquam conservat, patria Rômâna valet. | If the country preserves [its] ancient wisdom, the Roman homeland is strong. |
282 | Sî nôn conservat, fortûna meae patriae nôn valet. | If it doesn´t preserve [it], the fortune of my homeland is not good. |
283 | Fâma patriae nôn magna est. | The reputation of the homeland is not great. |
284 | Nôn valent Rômânae fêminae et virî Rômânî. | Roman women and Roman men are not doing well. |
285 | Sî sapientiam antîquam conservant, semper valet fortûna Rômânî populî. | If they preserve ancient wisdom, the fortune of the Roman people is always good. |
286 | Conservâmus philosophiam antîquam hodiê. | We are preserving the ancient philosophy today. |
287 | Valêmus sî conservâmus sapientiam Rômânam hodiê. | We are strong if we preserve Roman wisdom today. |
288 | Sed avârôs Rômânôs nôn laudâmus. | But we ought not praise the greedy Romans. |
289 | Et fîliî et fîliae Rômânôrum antîquôrum conservâre dêbent hodiê sapientiam philosophiae. | And the sons and daughters of the ancient Romans ought to preserve the wisdom of philosophy today. |
290 | Rômânî semper habent fâmam magnam sî amant patriam et populum et sapientiam. | The Romans always have a great reputation if they love the homeland and the people and wisdom. |
291 | Paucî pecûniam habent, paucî agrôs; multî patriam. | Few men have money, few have fields; many have a homeland. |
292 | Multî sapientiam servâre dêbent. | Many ought to be protecting wisdom. |
293 | In Rômânâ patriâ numerus agricolârum magnus est. | In the Roman homeland, the number of farmers is large. |
294 | Virî et fêminae multôs agrôs habent. | The men and women have many fields. |
295 | Dê populô côgitâmus. | We are thinking about the people. |
296 | Dê paucîs côgitant avârî. | Greedy men think about few things. |
297 | Côgitat nauta dê fâmâ. | The sailor is thinking about fame. |
298 | Pecûnia patriae tuae nôn multa est. | The money of your homeland is not much. |
299 | Ô magna patria! Quid patriae meae dô? | Oh great country! What am I giving my country? |
300 | Multôs vîrôs antîquae portae conservant. | The ancient gates are preserving many men. |
301 | Multî populî portâs magnâs habent. | Many peoples have big gates. |
302 | Rômânâs portâs vidêtis hodiê. | Today you (pl.) see the Roman gates. |
303 | Fîliae et fîliô nôn nihil dat mea patria. | My homeland gives something [lit: not nothing] to the girl and boy. |
304 | Magna est patria tua, et antîqua. | Your homeland is great and ancient. |