1 | Quid habet magister? | What does the teacher (m) have? |
2 | Magister habet discipulôs. | The teacher (m) has students (m). |
3 | Discipulôs habet magister. | The teacher (m) has students (m). |
4 | Magister discipulôs habet. | The teacher (m) has students (m). |
5 | Magister habet multôs discipulôs. | The teacher (m) has many students (m). |
6 | Magister habet multôs discipulôs bonôs. | The teacher (m) has many good students (m). |
7 | Magistra multâs discipulâs habet. | The teacher (f) has many students (f). |
8 | Magistrae multâs discipulâs habent. | The teachers (f) have many students (f). |
9 | Discipulôs multôs habent magistrî. | The teachers (m) have many students (m). |
10 | Multâs discipulâs bonâs magistrae habent. | The teachers (f) have many good students (f). |
11 | Dant dôna. | They give gifts. |
12 | Dôna dant. | They give gifts. |
13 | Discipulî dôna dant. | The students (m) give gifts. |
14 | Discipulî magistrô multa dôna dant. | The students (m) give many gifts to the teacher (m). |
15 | Discipulî, dôna date magistrô. | Students, give gifts to the teacher! |
16 | Date dôna magistrô, discipulî. | Students, give gifts to the teacher! |
17 | Parva cûra | small concern (s) |
18 | Paucae cûrae | of a little concern / few concerns (s) |
19 | Paucae parvae cûrae | few unimportant concerns (s) |
20 | Habet parvam cûram. | He has a small concern. |
21 | Cûram habet parvam. | He has a small concern. |
22 | Magistra habet paucâs cûrâs. | The teacher (f) has few concerns / worries / anxieties. |
23 | Magistrae dônum da! | Give a gift to the teacher (f)! |
24 | Magistrîs dôna dant. | They give gifts to the teachers. |
25 | Sî magistrae dôna dâs, multâs cûrâs nôn habet. | If you give gifts to the teacher, she does not have many concerns. |
26 | Sî cônsilium bonum habês, vîtam bonam habês. | If you have good advice, you have a good life. |
27 | Bâsia multa | Many kisses (s) / Many kisses (o) |
28 | Dant bâsia multa. | They give many kisses. |
29 | Puellae bâsium dat. | He gives a kiss to the girl. |
30 | Puella puerô bâsium dat. | The girl gives a kiss to the boy. |
31 | Multa bâsia puellae dat puer in agrô. | The boy gives many kisses to the girl in the field. |
32 | Est in bellô. | He is at the war. |
33 | Patria in bellô est. | The country is at war. |
34 | Bellum patriam terret. | War is frightening the country. |
35 | Fîliî fêminae sunt in bellô. | The woman´s sons are in the war. |
36 | Dê fîliîs fêmina semper côgitat. | The woman always thinks about her sons. |
37 | Multî exitium vident. | They are seeing the destruction of much. / Many are seeing destruction. |
38 | Exitium nôn debês vidêre. | You should not see the destruction. |
39 | Ôtium tê satiâre debet. | A holiday should satisfy you. |
40 | Bonus oculus | Good eye |
41 | Bellî oculî | of a pretty eye / pretty eyes (s) |
42 | Bellôs oculôs habês. | You have pretty eyes. |
43 | Bellôs oculôs habês, amîca mea! | You have pretty eyes, my friend (f). |
44 | Malôs oculôs habês, amîce mî! | You have bad eyes, my friend (m). |
45 | Iuvâ mê! | Help me! |
46 | Iuvâ mê hodiê! | Help me today! |
47 | Iuvâte mê, bellae puellae! | Help me, pretty girls! |
48 | Ô stulte vir! Parvam sapientiam habês. | O foolish man! You have little wisdom. |
49 | Officium oculôrum vidêre est. | The task of the eyes is to see. |
50 | Oculôrum officium est vidêre. | The task of the eyes is to see. |
51 | Fîlius magnî virî est. | He is the son of a great man. |
52 | Vîta poetae habet ôtium. | A poet´s life has leisure |
53 | Vîtae poetae est ôtium. | A poet´s life has leisure. [Lit: For the life of a poet, there is leisure.] |
54 | Vîta poetârum habet multum ôtium et pauca perîcula. | The life of poets has much leisure and few dangers. |
55 | Parvae puellae mê vocant. | The little girls are calling me. |
56 | Remedium îrae est côgitâre. | The remedy of anger is to think. |
57 | Perîcula sunt magna. | The dangers are great. |
58 | Tê servat. | He protects you. |
59 | Vêrus amîcus tê servat. | A true friend (m) protect you. |
60 | Vêrus amîcus tê in perîculô servat. | A true friend (m) protect you in danger. |
61 | Magistra est. | She is the teacher (f). |
62 | Fêmina magistra est. | The woman is a teacher (f). |
63 | Magistra bona magistra est. | The teacher (f) is a good teacher (f). |
64 | Multae Rômânae sunt magistrae. | Many Romans (f) are teachers. |
65 | Multae bellae fêminae Rômânae sunt magistrae fîliôrum tuôrum. | Many pretty Roman women are teachers of your sons. |
66 | Nôn habet ôtium. | He does not have leisure. |
67 | Multî magistrî multum ôtium nôn habent hodiê. | Many teachers (m) do not have much leisure today. |
68 | Bellî perîculum est exitium. | Ruin is the danger of war. |
69 | Bellî perîculum est patriae exitium. | Ruin of the homeland is the danger of war. |
70 | Moram laudant. | They praise the delay. |
71 | Rômânî moram nôn laudant. | The Romans do not praise the delay. / They do not praise the Roman´s delay. |
72 | Fîliî agricolârum patriam in bellô iuvant. | The sons of the farmers support the homeland in the war. |
73 | Îra magna est. | The anger is great. |
74 | Îra Rômânôrum magna est. | The anger of the Romans is great. |
75 | Îra Rômânôrum in bellô est magna. | The anger of the Romans in war is great. |
76 | Stultôs îra nôn satiat. | Anger does not satisfy the fools. |
77 | Stultôs nôn satiat etiam magna îra. | Even great anger does not satisfy the fools. |
78 | Laudâmus amîcôs vêrôs. | We praise true friends. |
79 | Saepe laudâmus amîcôs vêrôs. | We often praise true friends. |
80 | Sententiâs amîcôrum vêrôrum laudâmus, sî nôn errant. | We praise the opinion of true friends, if they do not go astray. |
81 | Vir sapientiae cûrâs nôn habet. | A man of wisdom does not have worries. |
82 | Malus est puerî oculus; nôn valet. | The boy´s eye is bad; it is not healthy. |
83 | Dêbêmus adiuvâre amîcôs vêrôs. | We should assist true friends. |
84 | Bona cônsilia habêre dêbêtis. | You (pl.) should have good advice. |
85 | Bellum bellum nôn est. | War is not pretty. |
86 | Agricolae magnôs agrôs amant, sed habent multâs cûrâs. | Farmers like large fields, but they have many concerns / cares / anxieties. |
87 | Avârî sunt malî et stultî. | The greedy are bad and foolish. |
88 | Bonî habent numerum magnum dônôrum. | Good men have a large number of gifts. |
89 | Malus oculus nihil videt. | The bad eye sees nothing / does not see at all. |
90 | Dê perîculîs malîs côgitant nautae bonî. | Good sailors think about bad dangers. |
91 | Officia nautârum bonôrum multa sunt. | The duties of good sailors are many. |
92 | Fîliô puellae bâsia dant. | The girls give kisses to the boy. |
93 | In oculô | In the eye |
94 | In oculô tuô | In your eye |
95 | In oculô tuô nihil habês. | You have nothing in your eye. |
96 | In oculîs | In the eyes |
97 | Magistrâs vident. | They see the teachers (f). |
98 | Magistra cûram habet. | The teacher (f) has a concern. |
99 | Magistrâs vident discipulî. | The students see the teachers (f). |
100 | Magistrae discipulâs adiuvant. | The teachers (f) help the students (f). |
101 | Magistrae discipulîs cûrâs habent. | The teachers (f) have concerns for the students. |
102 | Ôtium habêmus. | We are at leisure / have leisure. |
103 | Sine magistrô | Without the teacher (m) |
104 | Sine magistrîs | Without the teachers |
105 | Sine magistrîs, multum ôtium habêmus. | Without teachers, we have much leisure. |
106 | Sine magistrîs bonîs, sunt multa perîcula. | Without good teachers, there are many dangers. |
107 | Sine magistrîs bonîs, sunt in vîtâ multa perîcula. | Without good teachers, there are many dangers in life. |
108 | Bella multa perîcula habent. | Wars have many dangers. / Many wars have dangers. |
109 | Puella bella | Pretty girl |
110 | Est puella bella. | There is a pretty girl. / She´s a pretty girl. |
111 | Est puella bella in agrô. | There is a pretty girl in the field. |
112 | Parva puella in agrô paucâs cûrâs habet. | The small girl in the field has few concerns. |
113 | Puella bella puerô dônum dat. | The pretty girl gives a gift to the boy. |
114 | Virô magnô fêminae dôna dant. | The ladies give gifts to the great man. |
115 | Paucîs virîs bellum bona dat. | War grants gifts to few men. |
116 | Multa officia bellôrum patriam nôn adiuvant. | Many duties of wars do not help the homeland. |
117 | Saepe officia bellî mala sunt. | The duties of war are often bad. |
118 | Officia bellôrum cûrâs patriae dant. | The duties of wars give concerns to the homeland. |
119 | Mora agricolîs multa dat. | Delay gives many things to the farmers. |
120 | Mora bellî bona est. | The delay of war is good. |
121 | Patriae bona est mora. | Delay is good for the homeland. |
122 | Mora bellî patriae bona est. | The delay of war is good for the homeland. |
123 | Amîcî fêminârum sunt Rômânî. | The friends (m) of the women are Roman. |
124 | Paucî amîcî fêminârum sunt Rômânî. | Few friends (m) of the women are Roman. |
125 | Paucî exitium patriae vident. | Few see the destruction of the homeland. |
126 | Numerus amîcârum tuârum magnus est. | The number of your friends (f) is large. |
127 | Bâsia multa dat puer amîcae. | The boy gives many kisses to his friend (f). |
128 | Puerô bâsia amîca dat. | The friend (f) gives kisses to the boy. |
129 | Agricola bâsium fîliae dat. | The farmer gives a kiss to his daughter. |
130 | Valê, mea fîlia! | Farewell, my daughter! |
131 | Valê, magne vir! | Farewell, great man! |
132 | Errant in agrîs. | They wander in the fields. |
133 | Errant in agrîs puellae. | The girls wander in the fields. |
134 | Sine cônsiliô | Without a plan |
135 | Sine cônsiliô bonô | Without a good plan |
136 | Sunt perîcula magna sine bonô cônsiliô. | Without a good plan, there are many dangers. |
137 | fîliae agricolârum sine bonô cônsiliô errant in agrîs. | The daughters of the farmers wander in the fields without a good plan. |
138 | Remedium est amâre et servâre amîcôs. | The remedy is to love and protect friends (m). |
139 | Monêre nôn est remedium perîculôrum. | Warning is not a remedy of dangers. |
140 | Monêre stultum puerum nôn valet. | Warning a foolish boy doesn´t work (= is not effective). |
141 | Sunt rosae multae in agrô hodiê. | There are many roses in the field today. |
142 | Agricola avârus multâs cûrâs pecûniae habet. | The greedy farmer has many concerns for / anxieties about [his] money. |
143 | Agricola magnus nihil laudat. | The great farmer / the large farmer praises nothing. |
144 | Nautae multî morâs nôn amant. | Many sailors do not like delays. |
145 | Sententiae nautârum nôn sunt meae sententiae. | The opinions of the sailors are not my opinions. |
146 | Paucî nautae et paucî agricolae magistrôs philosophiae amant. | Few sailors and few farmers like teachers (m) of philosophy. |
147 | Sed sî valent, philosophiam amant. | But if they are doing well / are in a good way / are sound, they like philosophy. |
148 | Philosophiam amant, et philosophiae officia. | They like philosophy and the duties of philosophy. |
149 | Sine oculîs, officia virôrum nôn valent. | Without eyes, men´s tasks do not go well. |
150 | Quid monent magstrî? | What do the teachers (m) advise? |
151 | Bonî puerôs adiuvant. | Good people help the boys. |
152 | Bonôs puerôs adiuvant. | They help the good boys. |
153 | Bonôs puerôs adiuvant magistrî. | The teachers (m) help the good boys. |
154 | Sine morâ | Without delay |
155 | Dat pecûniam sine morâ. | He / she / it gives money without delay. |
156 | Oculôs bonôs nôn habet magistra tua. | Your teacher (f) does not have good eyes. |
157 | Parva mora | A small delay |
158 | Parvam moram habêmus sî errâmus hodiê. | We have a small delay if we wander today. |
159 | Vîta magistrôrum bona est. | The life of teachers is good. |
160 | Ôtium nôn est remedium îrae. | Leisure is not the remedy for anger. |
161 | Cônsiliô portâs patriae conservâmus. | We must preserve the gates of the homeland with a plan. |
162 | Cônsilium nautae | The sailor´s advice |
163 | Nautae cônsilia bona sunt. | The sailor´s suggestions are good. |
164 | Cônsilium magistrae bonum est. | The teacher´s (f) advice is good. |
165 | Nihil malî habet. | He / she / it has nothing bad. |
166 | In magistrî agrô | In the teacher´s (m) field |
167 | Perîcula magistrâs terrent. | The dangers frighten the teachers (f). |
168 | Oculî mêî perîcula nôn vident. | My eyes do not see the dangers. |
169 | In agrô oculî magistrî perîculum magnum nôn vident. | The teacher´s (m) eyes do not see the great danger in the field. |
170 | Vêrum perîculum mê terret. | Real danger terrifies me. |
171 | Bellum mê terret. | War terrifies me. |
172 | Tê moneô dê bellô. | I warn you about the war. |
173 | Tê moneô dê perîculô. | I warn you about the danger. |
174 | Dê cônsiliô côgitâmus hodiê. | We are thinking about the plan today. |
175 | Tê moneô dê bellî perîculîs. | I do warn you about the dangers of war. |
176 | Perîcula bellî mê terrent. | The dangers of war terrify me. |
177 | Quid dêbêmus servâre in bellô? | What must we protect in war? |
178 | In bellô nihil servâtis. | In war, you (pl.) protect nothing. |
179 | Populus nôn valet in bellô magnô. | The people do not do well in a big war. |
180 | Cûrae magnae populum in bellô terrent. | Great concerns frighten the people in war. |
181 | Nôn es stulta, mea fîlia! | You are not foolish, my daughter! |
182 | Mala fortûna errat in patriâ mêâ. | Bad luck wanders in my homeland. |
183 | Jûliae fâma bona est. | Julia´s reputation is good. |
184 | Jûliae amîcus juvat agricolâs in agrîs. | Julia´s friend (m) assists the farmers in the fields. |
185 | Virî patriae meae bonî sunt. | The men of my homeland are good. |
186 | Bona cônsilia paucî habent hodiê. | Few men have good plans today. |
187 | Quid est ôtium, sî malam fortûnam habês? | What is leisure, if you have bad luck? |
188 | Malum exitium Rômânîs servant nautae. | The sailors are keeping (in reserve) a wicked destruction for the Romans. |
189 | Stulta fêmina pecûniam malô nautae dat. | The foolish woman is giving money to the bad sailor. |
190 | In bellô mora saepe mala est, sed nôn semper. | In war, delay is often bad, but not always. |