Practice: Active Personal Endings, I-II, Present Tense

(Cf. Wheelock 1)

LatinPraxis Index


1. Practice understanding the following, until you can do so immediately and effortlessly. NOTE: Items are duplicated to improve your recognition-speed. Go from English to Latin understanding also below.  2. Give singular forms for plural and vice versa.  Standing convention: Assume that English second-person forms are singular unless the plural is explicitly noted: "you (pl.)."




1. monent

2. vidêtis

3. conservâmus

4. valeô

5. monêtis

6. côgitâmus

7. videt

8. côgitant

9. damus

10. valent

11. errant

12. conservâtis

13. dô

14. servô

15. côgitâtis

16. dêbês

17. côgitâmus

18. dêbêmus

19. côgitâtis

20. dêbeô

21. vocat

22. conservô

23. vidês

24. errat

25. conservâs

26. dant

27. servâmus

28. vocat

29. côgitâtis

30. côgitâmus

31. dêbent

32. côgitant

33. vidês

34. côgitô

35. dêbêtis

36. videt

37. monet

38. errat

39. dêbet

40. conservant

41. valeô

42. errat

43. amô

44. monês

45. datis

46. errâtis

47. dêbet

48. conservâs

49. dat

50. moneô

51. vocâs

52. dêbês

53. servant

54. dêbêtis

55. valent

56. côgitant

57. vidês

58. servâmus

59. dant

60. errâmus

61. côgitâs

62. servant

63. amat

64. monent

65. servant

66. côgitâs

67. valêtis

68. damus

69. amâtis

70. errô

71. vident

72. errâtis

73. vidês

74. monêmus

75. laudâmus

76. dêbêmus

77. côgitô

78. valeô

79. dêbent

80. vidêmus

81. amâmus

82. servat

83. valêtis

84. errat

85. côgitâtis

86. conservâs

87. dêbeô

88. videt

89. servâtis

90. vocat

91. errâmus

92. vident

93. côgitâs

94. das

95. dô

96. laudat

97. moneô

98. côgitô

99. vocô

100. monês

101. côgitâs

102. laudâs

103. vocant

104. errâs

105. errat

106. vidês

107. valêtis

108. monêtis

109. dô

110. servâs

111. monês

112. côgitâs

113. vocâtis

114. valet

115. dêbês

116. servat

117. vocô

118. errâtis

119. dêbent

120. conservant

121. côgitat

122. laudô

123. côgitâtis

124. dêbent

125. côgitâmus

126. conservâmus

127. dêbet

128. côgitâtis

129. monent

130. dêbet

131. vident

132. datis

133. errâtis

134. côgitat

135. côgitâs

136. vocat

137. laudat

138. dêbet

139. conservâtis

140. laudat

141. monês

142. amâs

143. conservâmus

144. amâmus

145. vocant

146. conservô

147. errô

148. côgitô

149. dêbês

150. valêtis

151. errâs

152. vocô

153. monêtis

154. vidês

155. vocâmus

156. amant

157. moneô

158. vidêtis

159. servant

160. amant

161. dêbêmus

162. laudant

163. dat

164. errâmus


1. you think

2. he/she/it summons

3. they consider

4. he/she/it must

5. he/she/it praises

6. you preserve

7. they give

8. we save

9. he/she/it ponders

10. you (pl.) plan

11. we plan

12. they owe

13. he/she/it praises

14. you see

15. I ponder

16. you (pl.) owe

17. he/she/it understands

18. he/she/it advises

19. he/she/it wanders

20. I plan

21. he/she/it ought

22. they conserve

23. you warn

24. they warn

25. you (pl.) see

26. we preserve

27. you are well

28. you (pl.) advise

29. they err

30. you (pl.) love

31. I give

32. I save

33. you (pl.) ponder

34. you ought

35. we plan

36. I think

37. you (pl.) plan

38. I owe

39. he/she/it summons

40. I preserve

41. you understand

42. he/she/it errs

43. he/she/it owes

44. we are strong

45. you (pl.) conserve

46. I understand

47. you advise

48. you (pl.) give

49. we err

50. he/she/it must

51. you preserve

52. you (pl.) conserve

53. you (pl.) ponder

54. he/she/it ponders

55. I advise

56. you summon

57. you ought

58. they save

59. you (pl.) owe

60. they are strong /well

61. they think

62. you see

63. we save

64. he/she/it gives

65. they think

66. we wander

67. you consider

68. they keep

69. he/she/it goes astray

70. they advise

71. we go astray

72. they save

73. you plan

74. I love

75. he/she/it gives

76. you (pl.) love

77. I go astray

78. I wander

79. they think

80. you (pl.) go astray

81. you see

82. we warn

83. we praise

84. we ought

85. I plan

86. we wander

87. I am strong / well

88. they ought

89. we understand

90. you think

91. he/she/it saves

92. you (pl.) are strong /well

93. he/she/it goes astray

94. you (pl.) plan

95. you preserve

96. I must

97. he/she/it understands

98. you (pl.) save

99. he/she/it calls

100. we err

101. you (pl.) understand

102. you think

103. you give

104. I give

105. he/she/it praises

106. I warn

107. I consider

108. I summon

109. you advise

110. you consider

111. we think

112. he/she/it sees

113. they think

114. we preserve

115. I err

116. we give

117. they are strong /well

118. you praise

119. they call

120. you go astray

121. he/she/it wanders

122. you (pl.) see

123. they (pl.) warn

124. I give

125. you save

126. they advise

127. you think

128. you (pl.) plan

129. he/she/it is strong /well

130. I consider

131. you must

132. he/she/it saves

133. I summon

134. you (pl.) go astray

135. they must

136. we conserve

137. he/she/it plans

138. I praise

139. you (pl.) consider

140. you owe

141. we think

142. we preserve

143. he/she/it must

144. you (pl.) consider

145. they advise

146. you think

147. I plan

148. he/she/it ought

149. you think

150. you consider

151. we owe

152. you (pl.) give

153. you (pl.) wander

154. he/she/it plans

155. I consider

156. we conserve

157. we love

158. they summon

159. I conserve

160. I err

161. you (pl.) conserve

162. I ponder

163. you must

164. he/she/it errs

165. they go astray

166. I call

167. you (pl.) warn

168. you understand

169. you consider

170. we summon

171. they consider

172. I advise








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