Sentence Practice 25

(Cf. Wheelock 1-25)

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Practice understanding these items accurately until you can do so instantaneously and effortlessly.   Change the introductory word to Dîxêrunt or Dîcêbant and see how the meaning changes.  An English - Latin section below can be used as an answer-key or as matter for Latin composition. Click on the numbers to be taken to the corresponding English or Latin version.

N.B.: Many of the sentences here are ambiguous although a single option has been chosen for the translation. In these sentences, you will see two accusatives, but only one of them should be understood as the subject. The so-called "subject-accusative" is not always placed first. In Latin, such an ambiguity is resolved by use of a passive voice infinitive and a prepositional phrase using â or ab:

   Dîcunt eum illam vidêre. = They say that he sees her. OR They say that she sees him.

   Dîcunt eum ab eâ vidêrî. = They say that he is seen by her.

   Dîcunt eam ab eô vidêrî. = They say that she is seen by him.


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1   Dîcunt mê cadere.

2   Dîcunt equôs discêdere.

3   Dîcunt fâmam petîtam esse.

4   Dîcunt Rômânôs bene cênâtûrôs esse.

5   Dîcunt caela mûtârî.

6   Dîcunt argumentum leve fuisse.

7   Dîcunt eum novâs terrâs invênisse.

8   Dîcunt Caesarem â puerô Graecô iuvârî.

9   Dîcunt hastam â mîlite tentam esse.

10   Dîcunt tuam saturam illôs audîtôrês dêlectâvisse.

11   Dîcunt versûs scrîptum îrî.

12   Dîcunt tê nullôs timôrês habitûrum esse.

13   Dîcunt hostês â Caesare fugâtôs esse.

14   Dîcunt Caesarem â puerô Graecô adiûtum esse.

15   Dîcunt Trôiam victam esse.

16   Dîcunt facta eôrum narrâtum îrî.

17   Dîcunt sê mulierum nomina nôn scîvisse.

18   Dîcunt iûdicium celere esse.

19   Dîcunt mê â tê iuvârî.

20   Dîcunt Rômânôs bene cênâvisse.

21   Dîcunt discipulam portâs antîquâs dêmonstrâtûram esse.

22   Dîcunt animâlia nêcâta esse.

23   Dîcunt gentês sê nôbîscum iûnxisse.

24   Dîcunt eam turbâs vîtâvisse.

25   Dîcunt turbam magnâs vîrês habêre.

26   Dîcunt magistrum multâs linguâs scîre.

27   Dîcunt Italiam multôs agricolâs habuisse.

28   Dîcunt ôrâtôrem clârum fuisse.

29   Dîcunt mîlitês vocâre cîvês.

30   Dîcunt artem longam esse, vîtamque brevem.

31   Dîcunt eum nova cônsilia agere incêpisse.

32   Dîcunt nôs lîberôs futûrôs esse.

33   Dîcunt lîbertâtem êripî.

34   Dîcunt vêritâtem inventum îrî.

35   Dîcunt eam eius matrem esse.

36   Dîcunt solâcium nôn inventum îrî.

37   Dîcunt pecûniam perîculum fuisse.

38   Dîcunt lîberôs scrîbere dôctôs esse.

39   Dîcunt philosophiam studium sapientiae fuisse.

40   Dîcunt senectûtem malam esse.

41   Dîcunt patrem tuum multa intellegere.

42   Dîcunt tê amîsisse tuam casam.

43   Dîcunt philosophiae studium virtûtem docuisse.

44   Dîcunt lîbertâtem êreptum îrî.

45   Dîcunt magna cornua signum vîrium futûra esse.

46   Dîcunt vulnera eius gravia fuisse.

47   Dîcunt eum appellârî patrem cônsulum.

48   Dîcunt ôrâtôrem clârum futûrum esse.

49   Dîcunt solâcium invenîrî nôn posse.

50   Dîcunt puerum equum ad flûmen dûcere.

51   Dîcunt equôs ignem fûgisse.

52   Dîcunt nâvês côpiâs admîsisse.

53   Dîcunt clementiam datum îrî.

54   Dîcunt terram vincî.

55   Dîcunt mê tibi crêdere.

56   Dîcunt hostês Caesarem fugâre.

57   Dîcunt urbem dêlêtam esse.

58   Dîcunt eum novâs terrâs inventûrum esse.

59   Dîcunt nôs ad Troiam êreptum îrî.

60   Dîcunt patrem tuum multa intellêctûrum esse.

61   Dîcunt illâs nûbês sê môtûrâs esse celeriter.

62   Dîcunt urbem dêlêri.

63   Dîcunt sê beneficiîs rêgis adiûtôs esse.

64   Dîcunt Italiam multôs agricolâs habitûram esse.

65   Dîcunt mê nullâs poenâs dare.

66   Dîcunt nâvês côpiâs admittere.

67   Dîcunt mê â tê adiûtum îrî.

68   Dîcunt equôs ignem fugere.

69   Dîcunt puerôs rîsûrôs esse.

70   Dîcunt hostês â Caesare fugârî.

71   Dîcunt puerôs ridêre.

72   Dîcunt flûmen ad mare flûxûrum esse.

73   Dîcunt locum iucundum esse.

74   Dîcunt mê ducem fuisse.

75   Dîcunt iûdicem iuvenem dêfendisse.

76   Dîcunt sê flûmen magnum quaesîvisse.

77   Dîcunt remedium îrae patientiam futûrum esse.

78   Dîcunt vêritâtem invenîrî.

79   Dîcunt hominês amîcitiam cupîvisse.

80   Dîcunt suôs amîcôs vîtâs in Graeciâ êgisse.

81   Dîcunt gentês sê nôbîscum iûnctûrâs esse.

82   Dîcunt facta eôrum narrârî.

83   Dîcunt coniûrâtôs cîvês expellere.

84   Dîcunt tê familiam neglegere.

85   Dîcunt urbem dêlêtum îrî.

86   Dîcunt pauca verba nôs dîctûrôs esse.

87   Dîcunt vulnera eius gravia esse.

88   Dîcunt clementiam datam esse.

89   Dîcunt nôbîs sê signum dare.

90   Dîcunt mortem territûrum esse omnem hominem.

91   Dîcunt tyrannôs in metû vîvere.

92   Dîcunt lîbertâtem êreptam esse.

93   Dîcunt magna cornua signum vîrium fuisse.

94   Dîcunt artem longam futûram esse, vîtamque brevem.

95   Dîcunt mê ducem esse.

96   Dîcunt sê flûmen magnum quaerere.

97   Dîcunt pauca verba â nôbîs dicta esse.

98   Dîcunt mîlitem hastam tentûrum esse.

99   Dîcunt virginem rêgem rêgere.

100   Dîcunt mê multa dôna accêpisse.

101   Dîcunt pecûniam perîculum futûram esse.

102   Dîcunt remedium îrae patientiam esse.

103   Dîcunt senectûtem malam futûram esse.

104   Dîcunt tê familiam neglêctûrum esse.

105   Dîcunt mîlitem hastam tenuisse.

106   Dîcunt scrîptôrem audîtum esse.

107   Dîcunt nôs ad Troiam êreptôs esse.

108   Dîcunt illâs nûbês sê môvisse celeriter.

109   Dîcunt mê rem pûblicam servâvisse.

110   Dîcunt regînam bene in bellô sê gessisse.

111   Dîcunt vim memoriae tempus superâre.

112   Dîcunt nullâs causâs îrae nôs habêre.

113   Dîcunt flûmen ad mare fluere.

114   Dîcunt nôbîs sê signum datûrôs esse.

115   Dîcunt magistram vênisse.

116   Dîcunt multâs fâbulâs âb hôc nautâ narrâtâs esse.

117   Dîcunt versûs scrîptôs esse.

118   Dîcunt tê amissûrum esse tuam casam.

119   Dîcunt Trôiam vincî.

120   Dîcunt puerum Graecum Caesarem adiûvisse.

121   Dîcunt nôs vôs culpâre.

122   Dîcunt agricolam fîliam missûrum esse.

123   Dîcunt animâlia in morbum oculôrum cadere.

124   Dîcunt philosophiae studium virtûtem doctûrum esse.

125   Dîcunt sibi nôs signum dare.

126   Dîcunt partem Rômae territum îrî.

127   Dîcunt lîberôs scrîbere dôcêrî.

128   Dîcunt amîcitiam ab hominibus cupîtum îrî.

129   Dîcunt litterâs asperâs esse.

130   Dîcunt eam versûs iûcundôs scrîpsisse.

131   Dîcunt tê nimis labôrâtûrum esse.

132   Dîcunt scrîptôrem audîrî.

133   Dîcunt mê multa dôna accêptûrum esse.

134   Dîcunt mê â tê adiûtum esse.

135   Dîcunt equôs discessisse.

136   Dîcunt nôs lîberôs esse.

137   Dîcunt multâs fâbulâs âb hôc nautâ narrâtum îrî.

138   Dîcunt puerum Graecum Caesarem iuvâre.

139   Dîcunt linguam difficilem futûram esse.

140   Dîcunt mîlitem hastam tenêre.

141   Dîcunt tyrannôs in metû vîctûrôs esse.

142   Dîcunt môrês antîquôs relictôs esse.

143   Dîcunt mîlitês vocâvisse cîvês.

144   Dîcunt puerôs ridêre.

145   Dîcunt diês dulcês futûrôs esse.

146   Dîcunt philosophiam studium sapientiae esse.

147   Dîcunt senectûtem malam fuisse.

148   Dîcunt hominês amîcitiam cupere.

149   Dîcunt animâlia in morbum oculôrum cecidisse.

150   Dîcunt pauca verba â nôbîs dictum îrî.

151   Dîcunt mê nullâs poenâs dedisse.

152   Dîcunt nôs ad Troiam êripî.

153   Dîcunt sibi nôs signum datûrôs esse.

154   Dîcunt diês dulcês esse.

155   Dîcunt discipulam portâs antîquâs dêmonstrâre.

156   Dîcunt libellum tuum dêlêtum esse.

157   Dîcunt sê mulierum nômina nôn scîtûrum esse.

158   Dîcunt Trôiam victum îrî.

159   Dîcunt eum nova cônsilia agere incipere.

160   Dîcunt vim memoriae tempus superâtûram esse.

161   Dîcunt eam versûs iûcundôs scrîptûram esse.

162   Dîcunt hunc nautam multâs fâbulâs narrâre.

163   Dîcunt puerum ad flûmen suum equum ductûrum esse.

164   Dîcunt pauca verba nôs dîcere.

165   Dîcunt tuam saturam illôs audîtôrês dêlectâtûram esse.

166   Dîcunt fâmam petî.

167   Dîcunt coniûrâtôs cîvês expulsûrôs esse.

168   Dîcunt gentês sê nôbîscum iungere.

169   Dîcunt huius carminis verba immortâlia esse.

170   Dîcunt magistrum multâs linguâs scîvisse.

171   Dîcunt virginem rêgem rêctûram esse.

172   Dîcunt philosophiam studium sapientiae futûram esse.

173   Dîcunt mortem terruisse omnem hominem.

174   Dîcunt multâs fâbulâs âb hôc nautâ narrârî.

175   Dîcunt iûdicem iuvenem dêfensûrum esse.

176   Dîcunt sorôrês â frâtribus suîs iuvârî.

177   Dîcunt însidiâs ab illîs mîlitibus prohibitum îrî.

178   Dîcunt suâs vîtâs brevês fuisse.

179   Dîcunt servôs pecûniâ caruisse.

180   Dîcunt eum appellâtum esse patrem cônsulum.

181   Dîcunt terram victum îrî.

182   Dîcunt pauca verba â nôbîs dîcî.

183   Dîcunt eum nova cônsilia agere incêptûrum esse.

184   Dîcunt solâcium invenîrî nôn potuisse.

185   Dîcunt urbês â duce neglêctâs esse.

186   Dîcunt amîcitiam ab hominibus cupîtam esse.

187   Dîcunt discipulam portâs antîquâs dêmonstrâvisse.

188   Dîcunt tuam saturam illôs audîtôrês dêlectâre.

189   Dîcunt sê flûmen magnum quaestûrôs esse.

190   Dîcunt sê mulierum nomina nôn scîre.

191   Dîcunt regînam bene in bellô sê gestûram esse.

192   Dîcunt magistram venîre.

193   Dîcunt virginem rêgem rêxisse.

194   Dîcunt tyrannum fugâtum îrî.

195   Dîcunt vim memoriae tempus superâvisse.

196   Dîcunt eam turbâs vîtâre.

197   Dîcunt suâs amîcâs in Graeciâ vîtâs actûrâs esse.

198   Dîcunt tyrannum fugârî.

199   Dîcunt Graecôs superâtum îrî.

200   Dîcunt suôs amîcôs vîtâs in Graeciâ agere.

201   Dîcunt suâs vîtâs brevês futûrâs esse.

202   Dîcunt illâs nûbês sê movêre celeriter.

203   Dîcunt tê nimis labôrâre.

204   Dîcunt sibi nôs signum dedisse.

205   Dîcunt mê tibi crêditûrum esse.

206   Dîcunt facta eôrum narrâta esse.

207   Dîcunt mê multa dôna accipere.

208   Dîcunt animâlia in morbum oculôrum câsûra esse.

209   Dîcunt iûdicium celere futûrum esse.

210   Dîcunt mê tibi crêdidisse.

211   Dîcunt hostês Caesarem fugâtûrôs esse.

212   Dîcunt poenam levem fuisse.

213   Dîcunt tê nullôs timôrês habêre.

214   Dîcunt Rômânôs bene cênâre.

215   Dîcunt sê beneficiîs rêgis adiûtum îrî.

216   Dîcunt libellum tuum dêlêtum îrî.

217   Dîcunt regînam bene in bellô sê gerere.

218   Dîcunt vêritâtem inventam esse.

219   Dîcunt poenam levem esse.

220   Dîcunt scrîptôrem audîtum îrî.

221   Dîcunt caela mûtâta esse.

222   Dîcunt nôs lîberôs fuisse.

223   Dîcunt animâlia nêcâtum îrî.

224   Dîcunt amîcitiam ab hominibus cupî.

225   Dîcunt turbam magnâs vîrês habitûram esse.

226   Dîcunt litterâs asperâs futûrâs esse.

227   Dîcunt tê amittere tuam casam.

228   Dîcunt tyrannum fugâtum esse.

229   Dîcunt pauca verba nôs dîxisse.

230   Dîcunt nôs vôs culpâtûrôs esse.

231   Dîcunt hastam â mîlite tenêrî.

232   Dîcunt terram victam esse.

233   Dîcunt huius carminis verba immortâlia futûra esse.

234   Dîcunt rosâs bellâs fuisse.

235   Dîcunt tê familiam neglêxisse.

236   Dîcunt nôbîs sê signum dedisse.

237   Dîcunt fâmam petîtum îrî.

238   Dîcunt Graecôs superârî.

239   Dîcunt suâs fîliâs valitûrâs esse.

240   Dîcunt artem longam fuisse, vîtamque brevem.

241   Dîcunt puerum equum ad flûmen dûxisse.

242   Dîcunt iûdicem iuvenem dêfendere.

243   Dîcunt cîvês fortês futûrôs esse.

244   Dîcunt vulnera eius gravia futûra esse.

245   Dîcunt libellum tuum dêlêrî.

246   Dîcunt agricolam fîliam mîsisse.

247   Dîcunt diês dulcês fuisse.

248   Dîcunt remedium îrae patientiam fuisse.

249   Dîcunt servôs pecûniâ caritûrôs esse.

250   Dîcunt patrem tuum multa intellêxisse.

251   Dîcunt tê nimis labôrâvisse.

252   Dîcunt môrês antîquôs relictum îrî.

253   Dîcunt rosâs bellâs esse.

254   Dîcunt puerum Graecum Caesarem adiûtûrum esse.

255   Dîcunt hunc nautam multâs fâbulâs narrâvisse.

256   Dîcunt tê nullôs timôrês habuisse.

257   Dîcunt versûs scrîbî.

258   Dîcunt mê ducem futûrum esse.

259   Dîcunt suâs fîliâs valuisse.

260   Dîcunt eam eius matrem futûram esse.

261   Dîcunt hostês Caesarem fugâvisse.

262   Dîcunt philosophiae studium virtûtem docêre.

263   Dîcunt animâlia nêcârî.

264   Dîcunt mê rem pûblicam servâtûrum esse.

265   Dîcunt mortem terrêre omnem hominem.

266   Dîcunt nâvês côpiâs admîsûrâs esse.

267   Dîcunt urbês â duce neglegî.

268   Dîcunt sorôrês â frâtribus suîs adiûtum îrî.

269   Dîcunt argumentum leve esse.

270   Dîcunt cîvês fortês esse.

271   Dîcunt mîlitês vocâtûrôs esse cîvês.

272   Dîcunt Graecôs superâtôs esse.

273   Dîcunt nôs vôs culpâvisse.

274   Dîcunt însidiâs ab illîs mîlitibus prohibitâs esse.

275   Dîcunt servôs pecûniâ carêre.

276   Dîcunt urbês â duce neglêctum îrî.

277   Dîcunt lîberôs scrîbere dôctum îrî.

278   Dîcunt coniûrâtôs cîvês expulisse.

279   Dîcunt mê rem pûblicam servâre.

280   Dîcunt locum iucundum fuisse.

281   Dîcunt equôs discessûrôs esse.

282   Dîcunt eam versûs iûcundôs scrîbere.

283   Dîcunt mê câsûrum esse.

284   Dîcunt însidiâs ab illîs mîlitibus prohibêrî.

285   Dîcunt argumentum leve futûrum esse.

286   Dîcunt magistram vêntûram esse.

287   Dîcunt pecûniam perîculum esse.

288   Dîcunt Caesarem â puerô Graecô adiûtum îrî.

289   Dîcunt sê beneficiîs rêgis adiuvârî.

290   Dîcunt mê cecidisse.

291   Dîcunt equôs ignem fugitûrôs esse.

292   Dîcunt turbam magnâs vîrês habuisse.

293   Dîcunt sorôrês â frâtribus suîs adiûtâs.

294   Dîcunt rosâs bellâs futûrâs esse.

295   Dîcunt hastam â mîlite tentum îrî.

296   Dîcunt magna cornua signum vîrium esse.

297   Dîcunt eam eius matrem fuisse.

298   Dîcunt Italiam multôs agricolâs habêre.

299   Dîcunt agricolam fîliam mittere.

300   Dîcunt hostês â Caesare fugâtum îrî.

301   Dîcunt magistrum multâs linguâs scîtûrum esse.

302   Dîcunt suâs fîliâs valêre.

303   Dîcunt eam turbâs vîtâtûram esse.

304   Dîcunt clementiam darî.

305   Dîcunt locum iucundum futûrum esse.

306   Dîcunt eum novâs terrâs invenîre.

307   Dîcunt môrês antîquôs relinquî.

308   Dîcunt poenam levem futûram esse.

309   Dîcunt caela mûtâtum îrî.

310   Dîcunt hominês amîcitiam cupîtûrôs esse.

311   Dîcunt huius carminis verba immortâlia fuisse.

312   Dîcunt nullâs causâs îrae nôs habuisse.

313   Dîcunt tyrannôs in metû vîxisse.

314   Dîcunt linguam difficilem esse.

315   Dîcunt hunc nautam multâs fâbulâs narrâtûrum esse.

316   Dîcunt flûmen ad mare flûxisse.

317   Dîcunt iûdicium celere fuisse.

318   Dîcunt partem Rômae territam esse.

319   Dîcunt cîvês fortês fuisse.

320   Dîcunt partem Rômae terrêrî.

321   Dîcunt eum appellâtum îrî patrem cônsulum.

322   Dîcunt linguam difficilem fuisse.

323   Dîcunt suâs vîtâs brevês esse.

324   Dîcunt nullâs causâs îrae nôs habitûrôs esse.

325   Dîcunt litterâs asperâs fuisse.

326   Dîcunt ôrâtôrem clârum esse.

327   Dîcunt mê nullâs poenâs datûrum esse.




1   They say that I am falling.

2   They say that the horses are leaving.

3   They say that fame was sought.

4   They say that Romans will dine well.

5   They say that the skies are changing [literally, "are being changed"].

6   They say that the evidence was weak.

7   They say that he was discovering new lands.

8   They say that Caesar is being helped by the Greek boy.

9   They say that the spear was held by the solder.

10   They say that your satire delighted those listeners.

11   They say that the verses will be written.

12   They say that you will have no fears.

13   They say that the enemy was routed by Caesar.

14   They say that Caesar was helped by the Greek boy.

15   They say that Troy was conquered.

16   They say that their deeds will be told.

17   They say that they did not know the names of the women.

18   They say that judgment is swift.

19   They say that I am being helped by you.

20   They say that Romans dined well.

21   They say that the student will point out out the ancient gates.

22   They say that the animals were slain.

23   They say that the nations joined themselves with us.

24   They say that she avoided the crowds.

25   They say that the crowd has tremendous strength.

26   They say that the teacher knows many languages.

27   They say that Italy had many farmers.

28   They say that the speaker was famous.

29   They say that the soldiers are calling the citizens.

30   They say that art is long and life short.

31   They say that he began to make new plans.

32   They say that we will be free.

33   They say that liberty is being snatched away.

34   They say that the truth will be found.

35   They say that she is his mother.

36   They say that consolation will not be found.

37   They say that money was a danger.

38   They say that free people were trained to write.

39   They say that philosophy was the pursuit of wisdom.

40   They say that old age is bad.

41   They say that your father understands many things.

42   They say that you were losing your house.

43   They say that the pursuit of philosophy taught virtue.

44   They say that liberty will be snatched away.

45   They say that large horns will be a sign of strength.

46   They say that his wounds were severe.

47   They say that he is called the father of consuls.

48   They say that the speaker will be famous.

49   They say that consolation cannot be found.

50   They say that the boy is taking his horse to the river.

51   They say that the horses escaped the fire.

52   They say that the ships admitted the troops.

53   They say that clemency will be given.

54   They say that land is being conquered.

55   They say that I trust you.

56   They say that the enemy is routing Caesar.

57   They say that the city was destroyed.

58   They say that he will discover new lands.

59   They say that we will be taken away to Troy.

60   They say that your father will understand many things.

61   They say that those clouds will move quickly.

62   They say that the city is being destroyed.

63   They say that they were helped by the king's favors.

64   They say that Italy will have many farmers.

65   They say that I am paying no penalty.

66   They say that the ships are admitting the troops.

67   They say that I will be helped by you.

68   They say that the horses are escaping the fire.

69   They say that the children will laugh.

70   They say that the enemy is being routed by Caesar.

71   They say that the children are laughing.

72   They say that the river will flow towards the sea.

73   They say that the place is delightful.

74   They say that I was the leader.

75   They say that the judge defended the youth.

76   They say that they were looking for a large river.

77   They say that the remedy for anger will be patience.

78   They say that the truth is being found.

79   They say that people desired friendship.

80   They say that their friends were spending their lives in Greece.

81   They say that the nations will join themselves with us.

82   They say that their deeds are being told.

83   They say that the conspirators are driving the citizens out.

84   They say that you are neglecting the household.

85   They say that the city will be destroyed.

86   They say that we will speak few words.

87   They say that his wounds are severe.

88   They say that clemency was given.

89   They say that they are giving us a sign.

90   They say that death will terrify every human being.

91   They say that tyrants live in fear.

92   They say that liberty was snatched away.

93   They say that large horns were a sign of strength.

94   They say that art will be long and life short.

95   They say that I am the leader.

96   They say that they are looking for a large river.

97   They say that few words were spoken by us.

98   They say that the soldier will hold a spear.

99   They say that maiden rules the king.

100   They say that I received many gifts.

101   They say that money will be a danger.

102   They say that the remedy for anger is patience.

103   They say that old age will be bad.

104   They say that you will neglect the household.

105   They say that the soldier held a spear.

106   They say that the writer was heard.

107   They say that we were taken away to Troy.

108   They say that those clouds moved quickly.

109   They say that I saved the republic.

110   They say that the queen behaved well in war.

111   They say that the force of memory overcomes time.

112   They say that we have no reasons for anger.

113   They say that the river flows towards the sea.

114   They say that they will give us a sign.

115   They say that the teacher arrived.

116   They say that many stories were told by the sailor.

117   They say that the verses were written.

118   They say that you will lose your house.

119   They say that Troy is being conquered.

120   They say that the Greek boy was helping Caesar.

121   They say that we blame you.

122   They say that the farmer will send his daughter.

123   They say that the animals are getting a disease of the eyes.

124   They say that the pursuit of philosophy will teach virtue.

125   They say that we are giving them a sign.

126   They say that part of Rome will be terrified.

127   They say that free people are being trained to write.

128   They say that friendship will be desired by people.

129   They say that the letter is harsh.

130   They say that she was writing delightful verses.

131   They say that you will work too much.

132   They say that the writer is being heard.

133   They say that I will receive many gifts.

134   They say that I was helped by you.

135   They say that the horses left.

136   They say that we are free.

137   They say that many stories will be told by the sailor.

138   They say that the Greek boy is helping Caesar.

139   They say that the language will be difficult.

140   They say that the soldier is holding a spear.

141   They say that tyrants will live in fear.

142   They say that the ancient traditions were left behind.

143   They say that the soldiers were calling the citizens.

144   They say that the children are laughing.

145   They say that the days will be sweet.

146   They say that philosophy is the pursuit of wisdom.

147   They say that old age was bad.

148   They say that people desire friendship.

149   They say that the animals have gotten a disease of the eyes.

150   They say that few words will be spoken by us.

151   They say that I paid no penalty.

152   They say that we are being taken away to Troy.

153   They say that we will give them a sign.

154   They say that the days are sweet.

155   They say that the student is pointing out the ancient gates.

156   They say that your little book was destroyed.

157   They say that they will not know the names of the women.

158   They say that Troy will be conquered.

159   They say that he is beginning to make new plans.

160   They say that the force of memory will overcome time.

161   They say that she will write delightful verses.

162   They say that the sailor tells many stories.

163   They say that the boy will take his horse to the river.

164   They say that we speak few words.

165   They say that your satire will delight those listeners.

166   They say that fame is being sought.

167   They say that the conspirators will drive the citizens out.

168   They say that the nations are joining themselves with us.

169   They say that the words of this song are immortal.

170   They say that the teacher knew many languages.

171   They say that maiden will rule the king.

172   They say that philosophy will be the pursuit of wisdom.

173   They say that death terrified every human being.

174   They say that many stories are being told by the sailor.

175   They say that the judge will defend the youth.

176   They say that the sisters are being helped by their brothers.

177   They say that the ambush will be prevented by those soldiers.

178   They say that their lives were brief.

179   They say that the slaves lacked money.

180   They say that he was called the father of consuls.

181   They say that land will be conquered.

182   They say that few words are spoken by us.

183   They say that he will begin to make new plans.

184   They say that consolation could not be found.

185   They say that the cities were neglected by the general.

186   They say that friendship was desired by people.

187   They say that the student pointed out out the ancient gates.

188   They say that your satire delights those listeners.

189   They say that they will be look for a large river.

190   They say that they do not know the names of the women.

191   They say that the queen will behave well in war.

192   They say that the teacher is coming.

193   They say that maiden ruled the king.

194   They say that the tyrant will be routed.

195   They say that the force of memory overcame time.

196   They say that she is avoiding the crowds.

197   They say that their friends will spend their lives in Greece.

198   They say that the tyrant is being routed.

199   They say that the Greeks will be overcome.

200   They say that their friends are spending their lives in Greece.

201   They say that their lives will be brief.

202   They say that those clouds are moving quickly.

203   They say that you are laboring too much.

204   They say that we were giving them a sign.

205   They say that I will trust you.

206   They say that their deeds were told.

207   They say that I receive many gifts.

208   They say that the animals will get a disease of the eyes.

209   They say that judgment will be swift.

210   They say that I trusted you.

211   They say that the enemy will rout Caesar.

212   They say that the penalty was light.

213   They say that you have no fears.

214   They say that Romans dine well.

215   They say that they will be helped by the king's favors.

216   They say that your little book will be destroyed.

217   They say that the queen behaves well in war.

218   They say that the truth was found.

219   They say that the penalty is light.

220   They say that the writer will be heard.

221   They say that the skies changed.

222   They say that we were free.

223   They say that the animals will be slain.

224   They say that friendship is desired by people.

225   They say that the crowd will have tremendous strength.

226   They say that the letter will be harsh.

227   They say that you are losing your house.

228   They say that the tyrant was routed.

229   They say that we spoke few words.

230   They say that we will blame you.

231   They say that the spear is being held by the solder.

232   They say that land was conquered.

233   They say that the words of this song will be immortal.

234   They say that the roses were beautiful.

235   They say that you neglected the household.

236   They say that they were giving us a sign.

237   They say that fame will be sought.

238   They say that the Greeks are being overcome.

239   They say that their daughters will be well.

240   They say that art was long and life short.

241   They say that the boy was taking his horse to the river.

242   They say that the judge is defending the youth.

243   They say that the citizens will be brave.

244   They say that his wounds will be severe.

245   They say that your little book is being destroyed.

246   They say that the farmer sent his daughter.

247   They say that the days were sweet.

248   They say that the remedy for anger was patience.

249   They say that the slaves will lack money.

250   They say that your father understood many things.

251   They say that you were laboring too much.

252   They say that the ancient traditions will be left behind.

253   They say that the roses are beautiful.

254   They say that the Greek boy will help Caesar.

255   They say that the sailor told many stories.

256   They say that you had no fears.

257   They say that the verses are being written.

258   They say that I will be the leader.

259   They say that their daughters were well.

260   They say that she will be his mother.

261   They say that the enemy was routing Caesar.

262   They say that the pursuit of philosophy teaches virtue.

263   They say that the animals are being slain.

264   They say that I will save the republic.

265   They say that death terrifies every human being.

266   They say that the ships will admit the troops.

267   They say that the cities are being neglected by the general.

268   They say that the sisters will be helped by their brothers.

269   They say that the evidence is weak.

270   They say that the citizens are brave.

271   They say that the soldiers will call the citizens.

272   They say that the Greeks were overcome.

273   They say that we blamed you.

274   They say that the ambush was prevented by those soldiers.

275   They say that the slaves lack money.

276   They say that the cities will be neglected by the general.

277   They say that free people will be trained to write.

278   They say that the conspirators drove the citizens out.

279   They say that I am saving the republic.

280   They say that the place was delightful.

281   They say that the horses will leave.

282   They say that she is writing delightful verses.

283   They say that I will fall.

284   They say that the ambush is being prevented by those soldiers.

285   They say that the evidence will be weak.

286   They say that the teacher will come.

287   They say that money is a danger.

288   They say that Caesar will be helped by the Greek boy.

289   They say that they are being helped by the king's favors.

290   They say that I was falling.

291   They say that the horses will escape the fire.

292   They say that the crowd had tremendous strength.

293   They say that the sisters were helped by their brothers.

294   They say that the roses will be beautiful.

295   They say that the spear will be held by the solder.

296   They say that large horns are a sign of strength.

297   They say that she was his mother.

298   They say that Italy has many farmers.

299   They say that the farmer is sending his daughter.

300   They say that the enemy will be routed by Caesar.

301   They say that the teacher will know many languages.

302   They say that their daughters are well.

303   They say that she will avoid the crowds.

304   They say that clemency is being given.

305   They say that the place will be delightful.

306   They say that he is discovering new lands.

307   They say that the ancient traditions are being left behind.

308   They say that the penalty will be light.

309   They say that the skies will change.

310   They say that people will desire friendship.

311   They say that the words of this song were immortal.

312   They say that we had no reasons for anger.

313   They say that tyrants lived in fear.

314   They say that the language is difficult.

315   They say that the sailor will tell many stories.

316   They say that the river flowed towards the sea.

317   They say that judgment was swift.

318   They say that part of Rome was terrified.

319   They say that the citizens were brave.

320   They say that part of Rome is being terrified.

321   They say that he will be called the father of consuls.

322   They say that the language was difficult.

323   They say that their lives are brief.

324   They say that we will have no reasons for anger.

325   They say that the letter was harsh.

326   They say that the speaker is famous.

327   They say that I will pay no penalty.


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Latin Teaching Materials at Saint Louis University: © Claude Pavur 1997 - 2009.  This material is being made freely available for non-commercial educational use.



