(Cf. Wheelock 8-13)
(1) Practice recognizing the meanings of the case endings until you have an immediate feel for them and all their possible ambiguities (e.g., corpora = bodies as subject or as direct object). (2) Practice modifying each of the following words with an adjective (e.g., hae voluptâtês = "these pleasures" as subject; hâs voluptâtês = "these pleasures" as direct object). N.B.: English-to-Latin exercises appear after the Latin-to-English ones. Conventions: (s) = "as subject" (= nominative); (o) = "as direct object" (= accusative case).
1 victôriae
2 locôs
3 vêritâtibus
4 voluptâte
5 capitibus
6 patris
7 patientiâ
8 lîbertâte
9 sorôribus
10 hôrae
11 vêritâtem
12 deus
13 medicârum
14 factum
15 victôriâ
16 vêritâtum
17 voluptâtem
18 capitum
19 pater
20 sorôrum
21 victôriârum
22 loca
23 vêritâtî
24 via
25 voluptâtês
26 cônsul
27 adulêscêns
28 medicae
29 patrî
30 patientiârum
31 prîncipiîs
32 lîbertâtês
33 hôrârum
34 deî
35 factî
36 scrîptôris
37 senectûtî
38 mâtrês
39 signum
40 lîbertâtem
41 hôrâ
42 Caesare
43 dîvitiâs
44 ratiônês
45 scrîptôrum
46 nâtûrîs
47 timôrî
48 mâtris
49 medicô
50 nômine
51 signîs
52 victôriîs
53 studium
54 viam
55 voluptâtum
56 cônsulis
57 adulêscentis
58 patrem
59 patientiîs
60 rêx
61 sorôrês
62 vêritâtis
63 medicâ
64 lîbertâtum
65 victôria
66 hôrâs
67 vêritâte
68 deô
69 medicâs
70 factô
71 lîbertâtî
72 hôram
73 Caesarem
74 dîvitiîs
75 soror
76 victôriâs
77 studiî
78 timôre
79 viâ
80 voluptâtibus
81 cônsulî
82 adulêscentî
83 medicôrum
84 patre
85 patientiâs
86 rêgis
87 scrîptôre
88 timor
89 medicus
90 signa
91 lîbertâtibus
92 hôrîs
93 deum
94 facta
95 lîbertâtis
96 hôra
97 Caesarî
98 dîvitiârum
99 locus
100 studiô
101 viae
102 caput
103 cônsulem
104 adulêscentem
105 patrês
106 prîncipium
107 rêgî
108 scrîptôrî
109 senectûtem
110 mâtrum
111 signî
112 ratiô
113 nâtûra
114 dî
115 factôrum
116 frâtrem
117 lîbertâs
118 locî
119 studia
120 cupiditâtibus
121 viârum
122 capitis
123 cônsule
124 adulêscente
125 Caesaris
126 patrum
127 prîncipiî
128 rêgem
129 dîvitiae
130 côpiam
131 laus
132 amîcitiâs
133 annôrum
134 senês
135 scrîptôrem
136 senectûte
137 mâtribus
138 signô
139 ratiônis
140 nâtûrae
141 deôrum
142 factîs
143 locô
144 studiôrum
145 viîs
146 capitî
147 cônsulês
148 adulêscentês
149 patribus
150 prîncipiô
151 rêge
152 côpiae
153 frâtribus
154 amîcitiîs
155 annî
156 sene
157 frâtrî
158 laudibus
159 cupiditâtum
160 Caesar
161 Cicerône
162 côpiâ
163 laudis
164 cupiditâs
165 annîs
166 senum
167 ratiônî
168 locum
169 studia
170 nâtûram
171 viâs
172 capit
173 cônsulum
174 adulêscentum
175 deôs
176 patientia
177 prîncipiô
178 rêgês
179 nômen
180 côpia
181 frâtrum
182 scrîptôribus
183 amîcitiârum
184 timôrem
185 annum
186 medicî
187 senem
188 frâtris
189 laudum
190 scrîptor
191 cupiditâtês
192 senectûtis
193 Asiâ
194 mâtre
195 Cicerônem
196 nôminibus
197 côpiârum
198 laudî
199 cupiditâtis
200 annôs
201 senibus
202 victôriam
203 vêritâtês
204 voluptâtî
205 capita
206 medicîs
207 locôrum
208 studiîs
209 voluptâs
210 capite
211 cônsulibus
212 adulêscentibus
213 patientiae
214 prîncipia
215 rêgum
216 frâtrês
217 sorôris
218 amîcitiae
219 timôrês
220 annô
221 medicîs
222 senî
223 ratiônem
224 nâtûrâ
225 dîs
226 nôminis
227 ratiônibus
228 senectûs
229 mâtrem
230 nômina
231 frâter
232 laudês
233 cupiditâte
234 Asiam
235 Cicerônî
236 côpiâs
237 laudem
238 cupiditâtî
239 Asia
240 Cicerô
241 locîs
242 amîcitia
243 voluptâtis
244 annus
245 patientiam
246 prîncipiôrum
247 rêgibus
248 frâtre
249 amîcitiâ
250 annî
251 senis
252 ratiône
253 nâtûrârum
254 mâter
255 nôminî
256 ratiônum
257 nâtûrâs
258 mâtrî
259 nôminum
260 scrîptôrês
261 timôris
262 medicum
263 signôrum
264 côpiîs
265 laude
266 cupiditâtem
267 Asiae
268 Cicerônis
269 amîcitiam
270 annus
271 senex
272 sorôrem
273 timôribus
274 medica
275 sorôrî
276 timôrum
277 medicôs
278 sorôre
279 vêritâs
280 medicam
1 liberties (o)
2 of the studies
3 by the truths
4 to/for Caesar
5 by the kings
6 sign (s)
7 of the deed
8 of the sign
9 old man (o)
10 to/for the supplies
11 by the liberty
12 victories (s)
13 to/for the study
14 nature (o)
15 truths (s)
16 of the consuls
17 Asia (o)
18 fathers (o)
19 kings (s)
20 to/for the riches
21 to/for the liberties
22 studies (s)
23 truths (o)
24 of Caesar
25 kings (o)
26 deed (s)
27 abundance (s)
28 calculations (o)
29 of the friendships
30 by the ways
31 of the abundance
32 liberty (o)
33 by the liberties
34 by the calculations
35 of the study
36 to/for the studies
37 to/for the friendships
38 by the truth
39 way (s)
40 pleasure (s)
41 to/for Asia
42 Caesar (o)
43 by the king
44 Cicero (s)
45 of the riches
46 supplies (o)
47 of the victories
48 by the nature
49 to/for the consuls
50 by the fathers
51 praise (s)
52 place (o)
53 of the fear
54 by the young men
55 of the beginning
56 of the supplies
57 by the victory
58 to/for the nature
59 consuls (s)
60 to/for the fathers
61 of the names
62 of the signs
63 to/for the deed
64 of the brothers
65 praises (s)
66 by the passages
67 places (o)
68 to/for the old age
69 of the fears
70 young men (s)
71 by the year
72 to/for the sufferings
73 of the beginnings
74 to/for the abundance
75 calculation (s)
76 writer (s)
77 studies (o)
78 friendships (o)
79 of the way
80 of the pleasure
81 by Caesar
82 doctors (s)
83 of Cicero
84 to/for the liberty
85 study (s)
86 truth (o)
87 of Asia
88 king (o)
89 deeds (o)
90 by the supplies
91 liberties (s)
92 to/for the victories
93 study (o)
94 natures (s)
95 of the truths
96 consuls (o)
97 by Asia
98 suffering (s)
99 of the kings
100 riches (o)
101 names (s)
102 signs (s)
103 supplies (s)
104 victory (o)
105 of the nature
106 by the consul
107 of the fathers
108 abundance (o)
109 to/for the praises
110 of the calculation
111 of the writer
112 eagerness (s)
113 by the studies
114 by the friendships
115 fears (o)
116 to/for the way
117 to/for the pleasure
118 of the years
119 mother (s)
120 of the doctors
121 beginnings (o)
122 to/for Cicero
123 to/for the old men
124 praise (o)
125 of the places
126 by the fear
127 to/for the year
128 by the beginning
129 brother (s)
130 victories (o)
131 of the natures
132 by the consuls
133 of the suffering
134 by the names
135 by the greed
136 to/for the victory
137 nature (s)
138 consul (o)
139 fathers (s)
140 by the name
141 by the abundance
142 to/for the calculation
143 to/for the writer
144 friendship (s)
145 longing (s)
146 way (o)
147 pleasure (o)
148 of the mother
149 by the mothers
150 to/for the doctors
151 Cicero (o)
152 of the praise
153 by the place
154 to/for the fear
155 year (s)
156 to/for the beginning
157 of the brother
158 by the victories
159 to/for the natures
160 young man (s)
161 to/for the suffering
162 names (o)
163 deed (o)
164 reason (s)
165 greed (o)
166 calculation (o)
167 writer (o)
168 of the victory
169 of the friendship
170 of the longing
171 by the hours
172 by the way
173 by the pleasure
174 to/for the consul
175 to/for the mother
176 doctor (s)
177 doctors (o)
178 by the father
179 by Cicero
180 troops (s)
181 sister (o)
182 of the hour
183 by the head
184 to/for the praise
185 places (s)
186 fear (o)
187 of the year
188 beginning (o)
189 to/for the brother
190 passages (s)
191 natures (o)
192 of the young man
193 suffering (o)
194 to/for the deeds
195 of the reason
196 by the calculation
197 by the writer
198 to/for the friendship
199 to/for the longing
200 ways (s)
201 pleasures (s)
202 mother (o)
203 by the doctors
204 riches (s)
205 by the reasons
206 to/for the sister
207 hour (s)
208 head (o)
209 to/for the greed
210 victory (s)
211 hours (o)
212 of the consul
213 father (o)
214 by the deeds
215 of the troops
216 by the sister
217 to/for the hour
218 heads (s)
219 to/for the reason
220 brother (o)
221 calculations (s)
222 writers (s)
223 of the passages
224 friendship (o)
225 longing (o)
226 by the natures
227 of the ways
228 of the pleasures
229 to/for the young man
230 by the mother
231 father (s)
232 by the suffering
233 reasons (o)
234 of the praises
235 of the sister
236 by the places
237 by the longings
238 to/for the fears
239 to/for the head
240 years (s)
241 to/for the beginnings
242 by the deed
243 of the greed
244 by the brothers
245 by the sisters
246 to/for the place
247 to/for the hours
248 fear (s)
249 consul (s)
250 young men (o)
251 beginning (s)
252 to/for the troops
253 sisters (s)
254 hour (o)
255 of the heads
256 of the liberties
257 by the study
258 to/for the truths
259 Caesar (s)
260 to/for the kings
261 by the riches
262 reason (o)
263 of the calculations
264 of the writers
265 by the friendship
266 by the longing
267 to/for the ways
268 to/for the pleasures
269 mothers (s)
270 doctor (o)
271 of the father
272 to/for the reasons
273 praises (o)
274 sister (s)
275 of the eagerness
276 longings (o)
277 by the fears
278 of the head
279 to/for the years
280 by the beginnings
281 by the brother
282 to/for the passages
283 old age (s)
284 young man (o)
285 sufferings (s)
286 to/for the sign
287 brothers (o)
288 of the place
289 by the old age
290 to/for the young men
291 by the sufferings
292 greed (s)
293 sisters (o)
294 of the hours
295 by the heads
296 of the deeds
297 troops (o)
298 of the sisters
299 by the hour
300 to/for the heads
301 name (s)
302 signs (o)
303 to/for the old man
304 of the old men
305 by the reason
306 to/for the calculations
307 to/for the writers
308 friendships (s)
309 longings (s)
310 ways (o)
311 pleasures (o)
312 to/for the father
313 of the reasons
314 by the writers
315 to/for the longings
316 head (s)
317 brothers (s)
318 passages (o)
319 of the old age
320 by the young man
321 of the sufferings
322 to/for the brothers
323 place (s)
324 old age (o)
325 of the young men
326 sufferings (o)
327 by the praise
328 to/for the places
329 fears (s)
330 year (o)
331 beginnings (s)
332 by the troops
333 to/for the sisters
334 hours (s)
335 heads (o)
336 reasons (s)
337 writers (o)
338 of the longings
339 by the pleasures
340 of the name
341 by the signs
342 liberty (s)
343 eagerness (o)
344 of the truth
345 by the years
346 of the king
347 sign (o)
348 old men (o)
349 to/for the mothers
350 deeds (s)
351 of the mothers
352 by the praises
353 to/for the eagerness
354 truth (s)
355 years (o)
356 king (s)
357 to/for the names
358 to/for the signs
359 by the sign
360 mothers (o)
361 of the liberty
362 by the eagerness
363 to/for the truth
364 Asia (s)
365 to/for the king
366 to/for the doctor
367 of the doctor
368 to/for the name
369 old man (s)
370 by the old man
371 name (o)
372 of the old man
373 old men (s)
374 by the old men
375 by the doctor
Latin Teaching Materials at Saint Louis University: © Claude Pavur 1997 - 2009. This material is being made freely available for non-commercial educational use.