Third Declension Neuter:
Vocabulary Expansion

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3rd Masculine    3rd Feminine    3rd Neuter


Acquire extensive vocabulary as quickly and as easily as possible.

Most of the following words are historically related to English ones and easy for English speakers to add to their Latin vocabularies, but remember that in Latin, these words do not always mean exactly what their English counterparts might imply.



1 abdômen

2 acûmen

3 aenigma

4 animal

5 Bacchânâl

6 basis

7 bitûmen

8 cadâver

9 cognômen

10 color

11 corpus

12 crîmen

13 dogma

14 emblêma

15 epigramma

16 exâmen

17 femur

18 fundâmen

19 genus

20 glaucôma

21 glûten

22 guttur

23 lûmen

24 medicâmen

25 murmur

26 nectar

27 nômen

28 nûmen

29 nûtrîmen

30 ômen

31 onus

32 opus

33 phantasma

34 poêma

35 regimen

36 sêmen

37 specimen

38 stigma

39 stratagem

40 sulfur (sulpur)

41 tribûnal


3rd Masculine    3rd Feminine    3rd Neuter






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Latin Teaching Materials at Saint Louis University: © Claude Pavur 1997 - 2009.  This material is being made freely available for non-commercial educational use.



