RAM 4: Reading Acceleration Machine

"How fast can you understand?"

Freeware Tachistoscope for Windows


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Version 4.05 (July 28, 2007)

by Claude Pavur

In Conjunction with

Latin Teaching Materials
Saint Louis University


Ram logo RAM 4 is a small freeware device for presenting word-groups sequentially at a pace chosen by the user. It is a tachistoscope ("rapid-viewer") that supports efficient and rhythmic reading, rehearsal of text-comprehension, and acceleration in reading speed. It facilitates the repetition that has long been known to be essential for language-learning.


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RAM can be used for vocabulary-learning, text-file viewing or proofing, speed-reading in one's native language, and rehearsal of texts for comprehension or memorization. It is primarily designed to help language learners practice texts through the sequential delivery of word-groups to a monitor screen. The device will be especially useful in conjunction with an approach to language-learning that stresses the importance of mastering lexical phrases rather than individual vocabulary words.


Load a simple text file, that is, one that Windows Notepad can handle. If it consists of lines separated by carriage returns, these lines can be displayed in the RAM window sequentially or randomly, automatically or manually, in looping sections or in their entirety. Access commands through buttons, menu-items, or speedy keyboard shortcuts available here.


The control-panel can be hidden and the window-size, window-color, font-size, font-color, and font-face are customizable:





A trackbar shows the current position in the loaded text, and it can be used to scroll quickly to any place in the file.



Below it you see four scrollbars that set and display the desired rate for:

Per-line speed in the automatic review;

Inter-item screen-blanking in the automatic review, a momentary blankness on the screen after each line flashes;

Per-word speed in the automatic review: each word can add a slight delay so that, for example, a five-word phrase will take longer than a four-word phrase;

Acceleration of the automatic review: each displayed line will come up slightly faster.

Below these you see a statusbar with a place for hints and displays of the line-position and the time settings.   See the menus here.


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RAM 4.x Enhancements and Changes


Version 4.05: July 28, 2007

RAM can now accept files from the Sendto menu. You must first drag a RAM shortcut icon into your Sendto folder. (Go to START > RUN, type sendto, then hit OK.)


Version 4.04: July 24, 2007

Restored Drag and Drop capability. Drag only simple textfiles, not pdfs or MS-Word document files.

Fully automatic installation / de-installation option. See the Download Section.


Version 4.03: July 19-22, 2007

Fixed the save-settings functions.

Loop now shuts off when the file is closed with the w-key.

Fixed problem of shutting down the program during an automatic review.

New sample RAM-text in download section.

Four new shortcut keys to adjust speed in the middle of automatic review (- / + / CTRL + hyphen / CTRL + =).

Various minor fixes and adjustments. L-key now remembers the time-settings when opening the last file.


Version 4.02: July 18, 2007

Fixed doubling of words at word-wrap.

4.02b: Added [DELETE KEY] function. See the Keyboard Shortcuts Page.


Version 4.01: July 17, 2007

Two functions added: (1) Remove the current line from the loaded list (CTRL+w) and (2) Save the loaded file to a new filename (CTRL+s).

Minor fixes on looping and random review functions.


Version 4.0: July 14, 2007

Random coverage of a list (by button click or keypress)

Looping functions (to keep review within a defined section)

Automatic looping review

Automatic random looping review

Collection of individual lines or selected text for later review

Vertical text positioning

Multiple bookmarks

Larger possible time-settings

Acceleration function (to speed up the auto-review gradually)

Hints in statusbar

Manual screensaver control (to turn off screensaver for long autoreviews)

Quick reset functions

Many keyboard and menu additions



Troubleshooting and Known issues:

* Automatic Random Review truncates to one line.



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RAM 3.5 changes

Drag and Drop feature

Stay on Top saveable option

Screensaver disabled during Autoplay

Fontsize indicated on Status panel

Minor fixes


RAM 3.0 changes

Greater capacity: no more 60k text-file limit under Windows 98

Save speed- and option-settings, in addition to font, color, position settings

Paired-list option: for bi-lingual or dual-element lists

More speed-key options

Fuller Menus

Better list-navigation

Saveable Bookmark-Number for quick return to chosen point of list

Status Panel

Powered by Delphi 4

Sleeker interface



Download RAM 4.05



N.B.: If you cannot download the .exe files below,
search for Reading Accleration Machine 4.05 on the Web
and download from a trusted source.


ram logo


This software is copyrighted, but freely provided as is for non-commercial, educational use, with no attendant guarantees or liabilities.

To UNINSTALL RAM 4 manually: (1) Delete the program file, ram4.exe. (2) Delete the file ram2007.ini, found in the same directory. (3) If you find a file named ramitems.txt in the same directory, delete it too. You are done!

To UNINSTALL RAM 4 automatically: You will have had to download and install the automatic installation package, ram4install.exe . Click the uninstall option under Reading Acceleration Machine in your Program Files, accessible through the Start button, or go to START > CONTROL PANEL > ADD or REMOVE PROGRAMS, select RAM, press the REMOVE button.

Send the author comments and bug-reports at ramauthor@gmail.com.


N.B.: If you cannot download the .exe files below,
search for Reading Accleration Machine 4.05 on the Web
and download from a trusted source.


FILE   SIZE     DESCRIPTION (Note: filenames are case-sensitive.)


519 kb

This is the RAM 4.05 installation executable program file along with help files, a sample RAM text, and an uninstall program. This file will automate installation and de-installation of RAM.


721 kb

This is the RAM 4.05 executable program file, directly ready to run with a double-click, without any special installation routine necessary other than the download to your computer. It cannot be run from a CD. When RAM runs, it writes one small file to its own directory, and when you save an item it will write another small file named ramitems.txt to serve as a scratchpad.


22 kb

Sample RAM text: This file will allow you to learn about the Reading Acceleration Machine and to see what it can do. Save it to your computer as a .txt-file, or paste it into a word processor and save it from there. You can put any file into a similar format to use it in RAM.


8 kb

Keyboard Shortcut Summary: Unzip this help file to get an MS-Word document with all the keyboard shortcuts explained.


6 kb

The same help file in RAM format, for use in RAM.


27 kb

The same help file in PDF format.



Award from Simply the Best Software April 2000    5 Stars Award at FiberDownload CFS top award 2007 November 2      Rated 5 star at Super Shareware !!! 08-10-1999 featured in lockergnome 08-20-1998
Silver Chalice award from AbleMedia Classics Technology Center 03-1999
Rated 5 star at Super Shareware !!! 08-10-1999 Best Freeware Download 2007-12-29       Best Freeware Download 2007-12-29       Best Freeware Download
Rated 5 star at Super Shareware !!! 08-10-1999







July 14, 2007: RAM 4.0 released with major enhancements.

June 18, 2000: RAM has been downloaded over 42,000 times from this site alone.

3.5: July 4, 1999: Drag-and-drop; Stay-on-top saveable setting; screensaver disabled during autoplay; fontsize displayed on status panel.

3.0: June 13, 1999: Greatly expanded text-file capacity under Windows 98; the ability to save timer-settings, viewing options and a bookmark-number; a sleeker control panel with a status panel; many more speed-key options and better keyboard-control; a new matched-list option (for dual-item lists or for bilingual lists in which every other item is in the alternate language); coding in the fast and powerful programming language of Inprise / Borland's Delphi 4.

2.0: July 19, 1998: Saveable font-, color-, window-position settings, more menu-commands and shortcut-keys, last-file re-loading

1.5: July 13, 1998: Menus, Color-choices, Hideable Control-Panel, correction of minor bugs.

1.01: July 9, 1998: Resizable window, greater font-size range.

1.0: March 14, 1998: Initial Release




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Submit comments to ramauthor@gmail.com