John Harmar's Praxis Grammatica 1623

Paedagogica Index


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[ 1 ] Ego sum hodie apud te pransurus.

[ 1 ] I am going to have lunch at your place today.

[ 2 ] Tu es liberalis convivator.

[ 2 ] You are a generous host.

[ 3 ] Ille est librorum helluo.

[ 3 ] That one is a glutton for books.

[ 4 ] Haec cantilena est suavissima.

[ 4 ] This tune is very charming.

[ 5 ] Haec avis est implumis.

[ 5 ] This bird is unfledged.

[ 6 ] Hic paries est lateritius.

[ 6 ] This wall is brick.

[ 7 ] Hoc templum est ornatum.

[ 7 ] This church is richly adorned.

[ 8 ] Hic puer est comes jucundissimus.

[ 8 ] This boy is a very pleasant fellow.

[ 9 ] Fratres tui sunt doctissimi viri.

[ 9 ] Your brothers are highly educated men.

[ 10 ] Vos estis victores, nos victi.

[ 10 ] You are the winners, we the losers.

[ 11 ] Unus vir est quasi nullus vir.

[ 11 ] A single man is like no man.

[ 12 ] Non eram in schola hodie.

[ 12 ] I was not in class today.

[ 13 ] Heri tu non eras in templo.

[ 13 ] Yesterday you were not at church.

[ 14 ] Frater tuus non erat in pomario nostro, nec quis alius.

[ 14 ] Your brother was not in our orchard, nor was anyone else.

[ 15 ] Nos eramus domi vestrae.

[ 15 ] We were at your house.

[ 16 ] Vos eratis domi nostrae.

[ 16 ] You were at our house.

[ 17 ] Vestri parentes hodie erant domi meae.

[ 17 ] Your parents were at my house today.

[ 18 ] Hodie non fui in schola, nec tu fuisti in ea.

[ 18 ] Today I was not in class, nor were you.

[ 19 ] Tu idem es qui olim fuisti.

[ 19 ] You are the same as you ever were.

[ 20 ] Hic puer semper fuit melior fratre suo.

[ 20 ] This boy was always better than his brother.

[ 21 ] Hesterno die fuimus in horto vestro.

[ 21 ] Yesterday we were in your garden.

[ 22 ] Vos fuistis in templo Mariae Magdalenae.

[ 22 ] You were in the church of Mary Magdalene.

[ 23 ] Hic fuerunt toti modii cerasorum, et pomorum.

[ 23 ] Here were all the bushels of cherries and apples.

[ 24 ] Nemo fuerat heri in atrio, quod sciam.

[ 24 ] Yesterday no one had been in the reception-room, as far as I know.

[ 25 ] Superiore hebdomade fueras in ambulacris nostris.

[ 25 ] The previous week you had been on our walkways.

[ 26 ] Frater tuus fuerat apud me nudiustertius.

[ 26 ] Your brother had been at my place the day before yesterday.

[ 27 ] Meae sorores pridie non fuerant in triclinio.

[ 27 ] My sisters had not been in the dining room the day before.

[ 28 ] Ero posthac diligentior.

[ 28 ] I will be more careful in the future.

[ 29 ] Cras mane eris apud me.

[ 29 ] Tomorrow morning you will be at my place.

[ 30 ] Hic puer erit aliquando vir doctus.

[ 30 ] This boy will some day be a learned man.

[ 31 ] Posthac (annuente Deo) diligentiores erimus.

[ 31 ] Hereafter (with God's help) we will be more careful.

[ 32 ] Vos eritis mihi multo gratissimi.

[ 32 ] You will be the people by far the dearest to me.

[ 33 ] Amici qui ex animo diligunt, erunt mihi longe carissimi.

[ 33 ] Friends who love sincerely will be by far the dearest to me.

[ 34 ] Estote pius et studiosus.

[ 34 ] Be devout and devoted.

[ 35 ] Quilibet scholaris esto ad praelectionem attentus.

[ 35 ] Every student should be attentive to the lesson!

[ 36 ] Estote fideles, et eritis felices.

[ 36 ] Be faithful, and you will be happy.

[ 37 ] Omnes pueri cras sub diluculo sunto in schola.

[ 37 ] Let all the boys be in class tomorrow at dawn!

[ 38 ] Haec ita sunto.

[ 38 ] Let these things be this way.

[ 39 ] Frater tuus me rogat ut sim studiosus.

[ 39 ] Your brother is asking me to be zealous.

[ 40 ] Rogo te, ut sis bonarum literarum avidus.

[ 40 ] I ask you to be hungry [lit: eager] for good reading.

[ 41 ] Sit haec nox tibi tranquilla, et faustissima.

[ 41 ] May this night be calm and very lucky for you.

[ 42 ] Praeceptores rogant nos discipulos, ut simus diligentiores anno sequente, quam fuimus praeterito.

[ 42 ] The teachers are asking us students to be more attentive next year than we were in the last one.

[ 43 ] Vos hortor, ut sitis amicis intimis fidissimi.

[ 43 ] I urge you to be very faithful to your close friends.

[ 44 ] Hortare condiscipulos tuos ut sint ad scholam mature.

[ 44 ] Encourage your classmates to be at class early.

[ 45 ] Rogabam fratrem tuum, ut esset meus amicus, sicut antea semper fuit.

[ 45 ] I used to ask your brother to be my friend, just as he always was before.

[ 46 ] Rogabas nos ut essemus amici tui.

[ 46 ] You used to ask us to be your friends.

[ 47 ] Pater tuus rogabat me, ut essem socius tuus in studiis.

[ 47 ] Your father would ask me to be your study-partner.

[ 48 ] Mater mea rogavit praeceptorem meum, ut esset mihi aliquanto mitior.

[ 48 ] My mother asked my teacher to be a bit nicer to me.

[ 49 ] Praeceptores saepius hortati sunt discipulos suos, ut essent valde studiosi.

[ 49 ] The teachers rather often encouraged their students to be really studious.

[ 50 ] Saepenumero rogavi vos, ut essetis mei memores.

[ 50 ] Time and again I have asked you to think of me [lit: to be mindful of me].

[ 51 ] Sis bonus felixque tuis.

[ 51 ] Be good for your own and a credit to them. [felix = favorable, successful, fruitful]

[ 52 ] Si sim bonus, beatus ero.

[ 52 ] If I am good, I will be blessed.

[ 53 ] Si quis fit egenus, laboret.

[ 53 ] If anyone becomes needy, that person should work.

[ 54 ] Si sitis pii, Deus vos amabit unice.

[ 54 ] If you are reverent, God will love you in a special way.

[ 55 ] Si non simus cauti, praceptor nos opprimet hic ludentes tesseris.

[ 55 ] If we are not careful, the teacher will catch us playing dice here.

[ 56 ] Utinam hic puer meus esset sodalis.

[ 56 ] I wish this boy were my schoolmate!

[ 57 ] Nescio an hae pennae, et fistulae sint meae.

[ 57 ] I wonder whether these pens and pipes are mine.

[ 58 ] Non dubito quin sis honestus puer.

[ 58 ] I do not doubt that you are an honorable boy.

[ 59 ] Si fuissem in templo, audivissem concionem.

[ 59 ] If I had been in church, I would have heard the sermon.

[ 60 ] Si tu fuisses domi nostrae, edisses poma et nuces.

[ 60 ] If you had been at our house, you would have eaten fruits and nuts.

[ 61 ] Si frater tuus fuisset eruditus, accepisset a me pennam inauratam.

[ 61 ] If your brother had been educated, he would have accepted the gold-plated pen from me.

[ 62 ] Si fuissemus in horto Regis, vidissemus rosas et violas suavissimas.

[ 62 ] If we had been in the King's garden, we would have seen very delightful roses and violets.

[ 63 ] Si fuisset in schola, praeceptor dedisset tibi cerasa quatuor et tria pyra.

[ 63 ] If he had been at class, the teacher would have given you four cherries and three pears.

[ 64 ] Si Petrus et Gulielmus et Georgius et filius praceptoris natu maximus, fuissent una mecum in foro, coemissem singulis illorum complures sagittas.

[ 64 ] If Peter and William and George and the teacher's eldest son had been together with me downtown, I would have bought several arrows for each of them.

[ 65 ] Si fuero apud te aliquantisper, docebo te aliquas Grammaticae regulas.

[ 65 ] If I'm with you for a while, I will teach you some rules of Grammar.

[ 66 ] Nescio, an heri fueris in sylva.

[ 66 ] I wonder if you were in the forest yesterday.

[ 67 ] Nescit pater ubi vos jam sitis.

[ 67 ] Father does not know where you are now.

[ 68 ] Nescio ego quis sit hic peregrinus.

[ 68 ] I do not know who this stranger is.

[ 69 ] Audio, quod tui fratres sint boni adolescentes.

[ 69 ] I hear that your brothers are good young men.

[ 70 ] Cum heri essem in schola, dixeram te poenas daturum fore ob negligentiam.

[ 70 ] When I was in class yesterday, I had said you would pay the penalty because of your carelessness.

[ 71 ] Cum fuissem nudiusquartus apud matrem tuam, illa me jussit ire adversum tibi.

[ 71 ] When I had been at your mother's three days before, she ordered me to move against you.

[ 72 ] Cum essetis Parisiis reliquistis me in cunis vagientem.

[ 72 ] When you were at Paris, you left me crying in the cradle.

[ 73 ] Audio, quod tu sis puer bonus.

[ 73 ] I hear that you are a good boy.

[ 74 ] Audio te esse bonum puerum.

[ 74 ] I hear that you are a good boy.

[ 75 ] Audio canes vestros venaticos esse voraces.

[ 75 ] I hear your hunting dogs are ravenous.

[ 76 ] Credo te fuisse facundum oratorem.

[ 76 ] I believe you were an eloquent orator.

[ 77 ] Credo quod fueris facundus orator.

[ 77 ] I believe that you were an eloquent orator.

[ 78 ] Credo haec pyra non fuisse tibi grata.

[ 78 ] I believe these pears were not to your liking.

[ 79 ] Credo quod haec pyra non fuerint tibi grata.

[ 79 ] I believe that these pears were not to your liking.

[ 80 ] Spero me futurum esse tuum convivam.

[ 80 ] I hope I will be your guest.

[ 81 ] Spero quod ego cras sim futurus tuus conviva.

[ 81 ] I hope that tomorrow I will be your guest.

[ 82 ] Credo sororem tuam futuram esse bonam feminam.

[ 82 ] I believe your sister will be a good woman.

[ 83 ] Spero nos futuros esse doctos.

[ 83 ] I hope we will be educated men.

[ 84 ] Spero quod futuri simus docti.

[ 84 ] I hope that we will be educated men.

[ 85 ] Spero hanc herbam esse salubrem.

[ 85 ] I hope this plant is healthful.

[ 86 ] Amo Deum Patrem coelestem, qui creavit me.

[ 86 ] I love God the heavenly Father who made me.

[ 87 ] Nihil aeque amas, ac Iesum Christum Salvatorem tuum.

[ 87 ] You love nothing as much as Jesus Christ your Savior.

[ 88 ] Me perinde amat ac si essem frater ejus.

[ 88 ] She loves me just as if I were his brother.

[ 89 ] Nos vicissim te amamus.

[ 89 ] We love you in turn.

[ 90 ] Vos amatis lautas coenas.

[ 90 ] You love elegant dinners.

[ 91 ] Illos ego felices duco, qui probitatem amant.

[ 91 ] I consider those people happy who love integrity.

[ 92 ] Antehac amabam te cum esses studiosus.

[ 92 ] I used to like you before, when you were interested.

[ 93 ] Amabas, memini, bonas artes, cur non amplius illas amas?

[ 93 ] You used to love the good arts, I remember; why don't you love them any more?

[ 94 ] Amabat me cum essem puer.

[ 94 ] She used to like me when I was a boy.

[ 95 ] Amabamus sorores tuas cum essent apud nos.

[ 95 ] We loved your sisters when they were at our place.

[ 96 ] Amabatis pyra cum essetis adolescentes.

[ 96 ] You liked pears when you were young.

[ 97 ] Nostri praeceptores amabant fratres tuos cum essent studiosi.

[ 97 ] Our teachers used to like your brothers since they were interested in learning.

[ 98 ] Amavi te a puero.

[ 98 ] I have loved you from childhood.

[ 99 ] Amavisti me vicissim.

[ 99 ] You have loved me in return.

[ 100 ] Frater tuus semper amavit arcum et calamos.

[ 100 ] Your brother always liked the bow and arrows.














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