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[ 501 ] Pacem, et amorem, et concordiam invexit Deus: Partes et factiones, et privatas utilitates cum alienis damnis, sicut etiam dissidia, rixas contentiones, bella, Diabolus peritissimus horum artifex.
[ 501 ] [God has brought in peace, love, and concord. Divisions and factions and personal gain at others' loss, just like dissension, quarrels, fights, and wars -- these the Devil has introduced, the most expert craftsman of such as these.
[ 502 ] Concordiâ etiam pusilla coalescunt; discordiâ maxima dissipantur.
[ 502 ] Concord makes even the most trivial things come together; discord makes even the most important ones come apart. [Lit: By means of concord,... etc.]
[ 503 ] Neminem irriteris, cogitans quod uni alicui accidit, posse cuivis accidere. Age potius Deo gratias quod te extra eam fortem posuerit, et ora, tum tibi ne quid tale accidat, tum illi sic afflicto saltem remedium aliquod, vel aequum animum, et ipse subveni, si potes.
[ 503 ] Don't laugh at anyone [irriseris], thinking that what has happened to one, can happy to anyone. Rather thank God that he has spared you that accident, and pray both that no such thing happen to you and that there be some help for the one that has been so afflicted, even a mind at peace, and help him yourself, if you are able.
[ 504 ] Nullae sunt certiores opes, quam certae amicitiae. Nullum potentius satellitium, quam amici fideles.
[ 504 ] There are no better resources than sure friendships. There are no more powerful companions than faithful friends.
[ 505 ] Solem e mundo tollit, qui e vita amicitiam.
[ 505 ] He takes the sun away from the world, who takes friendship from one's life.
[ 506 ] Vera, et solida, et duratura amicitia tantummodo est inter bonos, inter quos facile amor coalescit.
[ 506 ] True and real and lasting friendship exists only among the good, among whom mutual love easily makes a union.
[ 507 ] Mali nec inter se amici sunt, nec cum bonis.
[ 507 ] Bad people are friends neither among themselves, nor with those who are good.
[ 508 ] Ut ameris certissima et brevissima est per amorem via. Nihil enim sic amorem elicit, ut amor.
[ 508 ] The surest and shortest way to be loved is by love. For nothing elicits love the way love does.
[ 509 ] Amicitiae venenum, si ames tanquam osurus, et amicum sic habeas, ut putes posse inimicum fieri.
[ 509 ] It is poison for a friendship if you love as if you are going to hate, and if you regard a friend in such a way that you think he can be an enemy.
[ 510 ] Ne in alienas vitas inquiras, neve curiosus scruteris quid quisque agat: multae hinc suboriuntur simultates. Praeterea stultum est alios probe nosse, seipsum ignorare.
[ 510 ] Don't investigate other people's lives and do not not inquisitively examine what each one is doing: many quarrels arise from this. Moreover, it is foolish to know others accurately and be ignorant about yourself.
[ 511 ] Convicium convicio regere est lutum luto purgare.
[ 511 ] To direct insult at insult is to clean mud with mud.
[ 512 ] Assentatio deforme vitium: turpe, illi qui dicit; perniciosum, ei qui audit.
[ 512 ] Flattery is an awful vice -- shameful for the one who speaks it, and destructive for the one who hears it.
[ 513 ] Sermone utitor modesto, civili, comi: non aspero, non rusticano, vel imperito, sed nec accurato, aut affectato nimis.
[ 513 ] Adopt a kind of speech that is restrained, courteous, and gracious, not harsh, countrified or sloppy, but not too precise or artificial.
[ 514 ] Ne celeritatem in loquendo nimiam suscipias, nec cogitationem praevertant verba nec respondeas, antequam qua de re plene intellexeris, et quid ille, cui respondes, dixerit senseritque.
[ 514 ] Don't take too quick a pace in speaking or let your words get ahead of your thought; and don't answer before you have fully understood the meaning of any matter and what the one you are answering has said and meant.
[ 515 ] Rarissimum debet esse pervulgatum illud, Quicquid in buccam, ac nescio an usquam admittendum, quum inter amicos cavendum sit, ne quid dicamus, quod amicitiam dirimat aut laedat.
[ 515 ] Very seldom should that famous saying be sent around, Whatever in the mouth..., and and I wonder whether it should ever be allowed since between friends there always has to be care taken that we not say anything that might tear or injure the friendship.
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