John Harmar's Praxis Grammatica 1623

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[ 301 ] Antidotum vitae, Patientia est.

[ 301 ] The remedy for life is endurance.

[ 302 ] Sal vitae, Amicitia.

[ 302 ] The spice of life is friendship.

[ 303 ] Sol vitae, Sapientia.

[ 303 ] The sun of life is Wisdom.

[ 304 ] Maxima quaeque vitae oblectamenta insulsa sunt et insuavia.

[ 304 ] Every one of the greatest delights of life is insipid and disagreeable.

[ 305 ] Multi nimium habent, nemo satis.

[ 305 ] Many have too much; no one enough.

[ 306 ] Praeferendus est dies unus sapientis longissimae aeternitati stultorum.

[ 306 ] One day of the wise person is to be preferred to the longest eternity of the foolish.

[ 307 ] Non est pauper qui caret, sed qui eget, qui desiderat.

[ 307 ] That person who lacks things is not poor, but the one who is needy or full of desire is.

[ 308 ] Risus nec multus sit, nec ob multa. (Epictetus)

[ 308 ] Don't laugh much nor at many things.

[ 309 ] Sis tu alienis lachrymis cautior: Alieno risu laetior.

[ 309 ] Be a bit cautious at someone else's tears: a bit cheered at someone else's smile.

[ 310 ] Magnes amoris amor est.

[ 310 ] The magnet of love is love.

[ 311 ] Nihil est quod sic eliciat amorem ut amor. Hinc illud Maritalis, "ut ameris, ama."

[ 311 ] There is nothing that so draws out love as love does. Hence that saying of Martial, "To be loved, love."

[ 312 ] Est naturalis quaedam in rebus conjunctio et harmonia, ut nemo illum oderit, a quo diligitur.

[ 312 ] There is a certain natural conjunction and harmony in things, so that no one hates that one by whom he is loved.

[ 313 ] Decet eum qui dat, non meminisse beneficii: eum vero, qui accipit, intueri non tam munus quam dantis animum.

[ 313 ] It becomes him who gives not to remember the favor: but it becomes him who receives not to look upon the gift as much as the soul of the giver.

[ 314 ] Idcirco fingunt tres esse Gratias, duas nunquam retrospicere, tertiam semper priores intueri.

[ 314 ] For that reason they imagine the Graces are three: two never look back, and the third always looks upon the first two.

[ 315 ] Bonus, bonus est et bonis et malis: Malus, nec malis, nec bonis.

[ 315 ] The good is good for the good and for the bad: the bad is good neither for the bad nor for the good.

[ 316 ] Priusquam incipias, consulto, et ubi consulueris, mature facto opus est.

[ 316 ] Before you begin, there is the need to deliberate, and when you have finished deliberating, there is the need to act at the right moment.

[ 317 ] Dei auspiciis atque ductui te totum in hac vitae militia permittas, et imperiis obtemperes, et exemplum aemuleris.

[ 317 ] Give yourself totally to the signs and leadership of God in this campaign of life, and submit to commands and follow example.

[ 318 ] Ne feceris, quod factum nolis.

[ 318 ] Do not do what you do not wish to be done.

[ 319 ] Modica deambulatio corpusculum reficit: immodica conficit.

[ 319 ] Moderate strolling restores the body; immoderate strolling undoes it.

[ 320 ] Quod commodavit fortuna, tollet.

[ 320 ] What fortune has supplied, it will remove.


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